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Digital ID Beyond the Enterprise

Digital ID Beyond the Enterprise

Session Stream III

The digital identity landscape extends far beyond the confines of enterprise walls. As we step into a hyperconnected world, the significance of identity stretches across global platforms, consumer interfaces, regulatory environments, and innovative identification paradigms. The "Digital ID Beyond the Enterprise" session stream at EIC 2024 seeks to uncover the vast expanse of digital identity, diving deep into its transformative potential and its evolving challenges. Attendees will be equipped with insights and strategies, ensuring they're poised to navigate and leverage the multifaceted domain of global digital identity.

Global ID Wallets:

  • Universal Access: Discover the promise and potential of global ID wallets in providing seamless access across services and platforms worldwide.
  • Security & Trust: Understand the imperative of maintaining robust security standards while ensuring user convenience in global identity solutions.

eIDAS 2:

  • European Digital Identity: Dive into the upgrades and nuances introduced in the eIDAS 2 regulation, defining the identity landscape for European citizens and businesses.
  • Cross-border Interoperability: Grasp the potential of eIDAS 2 in ensuring harmonized identity verification across EU member states.

Decentralized Identity:

  • Identity in a Decentralized World: Explore the revolutionary concept of identity that's not bound by centralized authorities, ensuring user ownership and control.
  • Blockchain & Beyond: Delve into the technologies powering decentralized identities and their implications for both businesses and consumers.

Consumer Identity Management:

  • User-Centric Identity: Understand the nuances of managing identities in consumer-facing platforms, balancing user experience with security.
  • Personalization & Privacy: Learn how to tailor user experiences based on identity data while adhering to privacy standards.

Privacy & Regulation:

  • Navigating the Legal Landscape: Uncover the evolving regulations surrounding digital identity, from data protection to user rights.
  • Compliance & Challenges: Address the complexities of adhering to global regulations while ensuring streamlined identity management processes.

Beyond MFA:

  • The Future of Authentication: Go beyond multi-factor authentication (MFA) to understand the emerging paradigms in verifying user identities.
  • Innovative Techniques: Discover the technologies and methodologies that promise enhanced security combined with user convenience, shaping the future of digital access.

Immerse yourself in discussions, case studies, and expert sessions that aim to broaden perspectives, challenge conventions, and offer transformative solutions within the realm of digital identity beyond the enterprise.

Decentralized Identity & eIDAS 2.0

eIDAS 2.0 - Status

June 05, 2024 11:00 - 11:40
Location: C 01
Panel: Latest on eIDAS Legislation and What it Means for People, Business and Government
The European Union's eIDAS (Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services) legislation is a cornerstone in the digital transformation of services across the EU, ensuring secure and seamless electronic transactions across Member States. This panel session brings together esteemed experts: Rob Brand from the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Dr. Moritz Heuberger from the German Interior Ministry, Vedran Lalic, Head of Office in the European Parliament,...

Cloud Signature Consortium
German Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community
European Parliament
Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
June 05, 2024 11:40 - 12:00
Location: C 01
eIDAS 2, the Protocol Challenge and the Art of Timing
If governments or enterprises want to implement digital identity systems (eID/eIDAS2), they need to decide on a lot of technical topics with a high degree of uncertainty. One goal is to be interoperable across Europe or even on a global level and with the private sector. Moreover, existing and established eID systems and schemas further complicate the decision-making process. The art of timing: One key question arises in this scenario: when is the right time to initiate the implementation of...

Procivis AG

Large Scale eIDAS Pilots

June 05, 2024 12:00 - 12:15
Location: C 01
eIDAS Architecture Reference Framework Status and Progress

European Commission
June 05, 2024 12:15 - 12:30
Location: C 01
European Commission co-funded EWC Large-Scale Pilot Project
The latest on the European Commission co-funded EWC large-scale pilot project and our ambition to bring the EUDI wallet alive in context of travel, payments, and organisations. EWC is focused on high volume and high frequency use cases bringing immense value to our day to day lives. This presentation will update you on progress to date, the three pilot phases we are running, the activities of the different participants, and what’s coming next.

Swedish Companies Registration Office
June 05, 2024 12:30 - 12:45
Location: C 01
Digital Credentials for Europe (DC4EU) – Social Insurance Use Cases
This talk by Thomas Ebbinghaus from Deutsche Rentenversicherung (DRV) - the German Social Insurance Organization, is about Social Security Use Cases for DC4EU: Challenges, Progres, business insights as well as technical aspects and insights into a future ecosystems.

DRV - German Social Insurance
June 05, 2024 12:45 - 13:00
Location: C 01
POTENTIAL - The European Identity Wallet
This presentation will update you on the work of the European Commission co-funded consortium PilOTs for EuropeaN digiTal Identity wALlet (POTENTIAL). POTENTIAL is one of the four large scale pilots selected by the Commission to experiment digital identity across Europe. It brings together more than 140 active public and private actors from 19 EU Member-States and Ukraine, coordinated by France and Germany, to test the interoperability of national digital identity wallets in six...

German Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community

Decentralized Identity & eIDAS 2.0

eIDAS 2.0 Business Perspectives

June 05, 2024 14:30 - 14:45
Location: C 01
Content Authenticity Overview and eIDAS Investigation: How Can eIDAS Support Content Creators?
In this session we will explore the world of digital Content Credentials which allows content producers to make statements about their content’s provenance that are securely bound to that content, and allows content consumers to evaluate those statements. We will give a brief overview of the Content Authenticity Initiative, the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA), the Creator Assertions Working Group (CAWG) and how these organizations are working together to support...

DIF Community Member
June 05, 2024 14:45 - 15:30
Location: C 01
Panel: Real-World Examples of How Smart Wallets will Transform how we Navigate our Digital World
In this session we will describe a future where a digital wallet could empower every citizen with their own data and help them safely navigate a data-driven AI-powered world, with privacy-preserving features that can protect themselves, their identity, and their data. We will show how this future is being built today, meticulously step-by-step, through innovations that are happening across a wide variety of organizations and use cases, but which are all built on the basic principles of...

DIF Community Member
NTT Digital
DIF Community Member

EUDI Wallet Use Cases

June 05, 2024 15:30 - 15:50
Location: C 01
A Practical Guide for EUDI-Wallet Use Case Implementation for Organisations
In this presentation you will be introduced to a step-by-step guide on how your organisation can implement use cases with EUDI-Wallets. You will be provided with tangible recommendations based on years of experience of implementing ID-Wallet use cases gathered by the Lissi Team. Goal of the session will be that you not only know how to approach the topic from a strategic angle, but also have concrete next steps on how to move forward to get your organisation eIDAS...

June 05, 2024 15:50 - 16:10
Location: C 01
Business Models for Decentralized Identity & EUDIW
The success of decentralised digital identity is dependent on a solid, self-sustaining, privacy-friendly business model. The more credentials will be available, the more use-cases will be generated. Making available verified and reusable data will act as a flywheel to both the uptake among end-users and the adoption among service providers. After all, the more credentials, the more use-cases, the higher the value for all users. However, to make available credentials, organisations need to be...

June 05, 2024 16:10 - 16:30
Location: C 01
Can the EU DI Wallets revolutionise how we pay (and what could that mean for the banks)?
The EU DI wallet offers new opportunities to improve payment – as well as new risks and regulatory obligations. Payment is expected to be an important driver of adoption of the wallet and benefits for the market. This session explores the findings from the large-scale pilots and discusses the role of banks and others in the payment eco-system.

Visa Europe

eIDAS2 Deployment

June 05, 2024 17:30 - 17:45
Location: C 01
The Surprising eIDAS2 Opportunity: to Unleash a new €bn Market for "Empowerment Tech"
New digital identity wallets will transform the digital customer relationship - and our digital economy - forever. 

Customer Future Ltd.
June 05, 2024 17:45 - 18:00
Location: C 01
EWC and the Work on Legal Person Identity and Wallets

June 05, 2024 18:00 - 18:15
Location: C 01
Standards that Impact eIDAS - Latest from ETSI

June 05, 2024 18:15 - 18:30
Location: C 01
Organizational Identity in the Private and Public Sector with the vLEI
With heightened reliance on remotely delivered services and transactions, the need for safer and sounder digital identification and verification is required and will become the norm in the future. This especially is true looking forward to mandates for the adoption of zero trust frameworks in which digital credentials will be issued and then used for identification and operational purposes. GLEIF is committed to making concrete and lasting improvements to the process of identity verification...

Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)

Decentralized Identity & Global Wallets

Global Wallets

June 06, 2024 11:00 - 11:30
Location: C 01
Panel: The Wallets we Want
From Bangalore to Brussels, projects are launched that view wallets as digital public infrastructure serving all people. Hear from leading voices around the world about the current state of affairs and plans for the the future. 

SPRIND - German Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation
OpenWallet Foundation
European Commission
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
EkStep Foundation
KAPRION Technologies
Samsung Electronics
June 06, 2024 11:30 - 12:00
Location: C 01
Panel: Expert/Digital Wallet & Verifiers Q+A
During the 2nd half of this "Global Wallets" Sessoin, the panelists will interact with Digital Wallet Solution providers.

Procivis AG
Credence ID

Global Interoperability for Wallets

June 06, 2024 12:00 - 12:40
Location: C 01
Panel: Bridging Borders: Achieving Global Interoperability for Identity and Payment Wallets
The "Bridging Borders" session at EIC 2024 focuses on the pivotal challenge and opportunity of creating a seamless global framework for identity and payment wallets. As digital transformation accelerates, the need for a robust, interoperable system that transcends geographical, technological, and regulatory boundaries has never been more critical. This one-hour session will explore the advancements, challenges, and collaborative efforts required to achieve universal interoperability for...

Gen Digital
Visa Europe
TD Bank Group
National Digital Identity Project of Bhutan, Druk Holding and Investment
June 06, 2024 12:40 - 13:00
Location: C 01
Panel: Open Source Wallets

T-Systems International GmbH
Ping Identity
AAMVA - American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators
Scytáles AB

Decentralized Identity & Global Wallets

European Digital Identity Wallet

June 06, 2024 14:30 - 14:50
Location: C 01
Introduction to the German EUDI Wallet Project
In June 2023, the German Ministry of Interior presented the whitepaper "Beyond EU Digital Identity Wallet" as a kickoff for the project to define the concept for the upcoming eIDAS 2.0 identity ecosystem in Germany. The project intends to actively involve the public and civil society, citizens and the private sector in a transparent and open process. The main objective is to define a concept for an eIDAS-compliant architecture for Germany that ensures trustworthy and EU-wide interoperable...

SPRIND - German Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation
Bundesdruckerei GmbH
June 06, 2024 14:50 - 15:10
Location: C 01
Panel: Qualified Ledgers – Breakthrough for Decentralized Identities in eIDAS 2.0 through EBSI?
With the European Blockchain Service Infrastructure (EBSI) the European Union established an European DLT-infrastructure provided by the Member States. This means that the DLT nodes are in the responsibility of the Member States and so ensure a government trust anchor Since EBSI contains own governance and technical specifications together with conformance tests for wallet it provides a comprehensive framework for decentralized digital identities in Europe. EBSI is widely for use cases in...

Logalty Prueba por Interposicion SL
msg systems ag
June 06, 2024 15:10 - 15:30
Location: C 01
The Swiss E-ID and Trust Infrastructure
After the rejection of the first E-ID act at the ballot in 2021, the Federal Government of Switzerland has adopted a new approach. To accommodate concerns about the protection of privacy, the new E-ID incorporates elements of self-sovereign identities. The trust infrastructure, that comes with it, will allow the issuance of other credentials by state and private actors alike. The presentation will provide an overview on the project, including considerations on interoperability.

Federal Office of Justice, Switzerland

Travel the World

June 06, 2024 15:30 - 15:40
Location: C 01
Setting the Scene: The future of Digital Travel Credentials

Independent Advisor
June 06, 2024 15:40 - 16:00
Location: C 01
Learnings and Outcomes of the Use of a Digital Travel Credential (DTC) Type 1 for Boarding and Border Crossing Processes, a Pilot Project in The Netherlands
This presentation focuses on the opportunities and challenges of public-private partnerships evaluating the effectiveness of the ICAO DTC standard in the context of airplane boarding and border crossing, co-funded by the European Commission.

Ministry of Justice and Security, the Netherlands
June 06, 2024 16:00 - 16:30
Location: C 01
Panel: The Future of Travel Credentials
Deep dive into to opportunities and challenges of using a digital travel credential to obtain a visa, cross a border, bord a flight and check in to a hotel. Will the ICAO DTC be the solution and what role will IATA OneID play in the digitization of travel facilitation?

Independent Advisor
Amadeus's Travel ID
Ministry of Justice and Security, the Netherlands

Identity Wallets Usability

June 06, 2024 17:30 - 17:50
Location: C 01
Best Practice: DIDs and Verifiable Credentials in the Construction Industry
Many different stakeholders are involved in a construction project, such as general contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, architects, and workers. The site operator must ensure that anyone entering and working on the site is legally authorized to do so.  Checking and verifying relevant documents (e.g. work permits, employee ID cards, training certificates) is a cumbersome and error-prone process that involves a lot of paperwork. Decentralized identities with leveraging DIDs, wallets...

tibe.io / Lindner AG
June 06, 2024 17:50 - 18:10
Location: C 01
OpenID for Verifiable Credentials
OpenID for Verifiable Credentials (OID4VC) is a protocol family developed in the Digital Credentials Working Group (DCP WG) of the OpenID Foundation, which enables the development of Wallet-based applications. It has seen tremendous adoption in the last two years in different contexts and jurisdictions. This resulted in a lot of implementers feedback and increased participation in the WG. One of those initiatives, eIDAS 2.0, provided very high security and privacy requirements. This talk will...

SPRIND - German Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation
SPRIND - German Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation
June 06, 2024 18:10 - 18:30
Location: C 01
Panel: Addressing Usability Challenges of Digital Identity Wallets
In this panel session we will discuss about user experience challenges and opportunities presented by the new paradigm of Decentralized Identities, Digital Identity Wallets and Verifiable Credentials, and some exciting potential solutions. 

OpenID Foundation
Jobs for the Future

Identity Beyond the Enterprise

Decentralized Identity Case Studies

June 07, 2024 10:30 - 11:10
Location: C 01
Panel: Decentralized Identity in Production
Over the past 18 months, Verifiable Credentials have begun to be integrated into Production environments, enabling digitization of workforce certifications, supply chain documentation and educational qualifications at scale. The panel will explore the business case to integrate this new data format within existing IGA / IAM solutions, and will highlight key success factors and project learnings, product roadmaps and future direction.

DIF Community Member
DIF Community Member
June 07, 2024 11:10 - 11:30
Location: C 01
How NHS Doctors use Digital Wallets to Get Onto the Hospital Wards and Treat Patients Quicker
Lessons from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) on translating organisational requirements into real world solutions using policy, technical specifications and by socialising tangible benefits and mitigating perceived risks. In essence describing how the NHS enables healthcare professionals to easily move between the 240+ autonomous NHS hospitals using digital wallets and verifiable credentials. How the NHS uses trust frameworks to define the policy and business rules and technical...

ID Crowd

Identity Assurance; eIDAS Recital 3

June 07, 2024 11:30 - 11:50
Location: C 01
A Case Study: Enhancing Identity Assurance through Verifiable Credentials
In this session, I will delve into the application of Verifiable Credentials to elevate user identity assurance levels. By leveraging Verifiable Credentials for attribute assurance, we establish a foundation that enhances user confidence and trust. Through a detailed exploration of real-world use cases, we will illustrate how this approach not only safeguards user identities but also fosters a secure and reliable environment for system utilization. I unravel the key principles and practical...

Itochu Techno Solutions
Research Center for Open Science and Data Platform (RCOS), National Institute of Informatics (NII)
June 07, 2024 11:50 - 12:10
Location: C 01
Meeting the Challenges of Securing the EUDI Wallet with a High Level of Assurance: an Overview of Deployment Solutions.
In the next three years, the twenty seven states of the European Union (EU) will have to finalize the implementing acts for the eIDAS2 regulation and issue digital identity wallets to their citizens. Although the Architecture Reference Framework (ARF) defined by the EU expert group has clearly identified mandatory standards for several parts of the wallet, such as the credentials formats, or the verification or presentation protocols, it has not mandated standards on how to secure of the...

June 07, 2024 12:10 - 12:30
Location: C 01
Manipulative Digital Identity: What is Manipulation in the Context of eIDAS Recital 3?
Online manipulation is mentioned in several EU Regulations as one of the cyber threats that need to be countered. Recital 3 in the eIDAS 2.0 regulation also mentions manipulation as a threat that the European Digital Identity Wallet and other subjects covered in eIDAS are to address. This talk will detail from a normative perspective what manipulation is and how online manipulation has specific traits. From that perspective the way the EUDIW is discussed and how it can aggravate or reduce...


Decentralized Identity & User Experience

June 07, 2024 13:30 - 13:50
Location: C 01
What's the Right Balance Between Decentralization and User Experience?
Self sovereign identity has been the ideological framework for decentralized identity solutions. Based on the principles of data ownership, control and consent sharing, this framework has produced highly decentralized, privacy preserving solutions that place a lot of responsibility on the user. After 4 years developing on of the most decentralized and privacy preserving decentralized identity solutions (Polygon ID) and testing the product in the Web3 space, we can share our learnings and...

Polygon Labs
June 07, 2024 13:50 - 14:10
Location: C 01
The Data Sharing Ecosystems and Trust without EUDIW
eIDAS version 2 has set in motion and energized identity professionals to think about and work on sharing attributes related to identity data. eIDAS version 2 provides a possible framework and set of technologies to do so. However, that framework does not match with a lot of technical and business practices already in use. In Belgium an ecosystem is forming to perform data sharing in a way which is adapted to the needs of the different existing stakeholders: data subjects, sources, attribute...

Belgian Mobile ID
June 07, 2024 14:10 - 14:30
Location: C 01
Identity is Already Decentralized. We Need Better Ways to Prove it
For decentralised identity to reach its full potential we need high levels of trust and high levels of inclusion. As a community we have developed some great standards and practices for identity verification, but they mostly rely on having strong documentation issued by a government if you want to gain the higher levels of trust. The reality is not everyone has strong documentation and not everyone has access to digital technology to verify that documentation remotely. For example, in the UK...

ID Crowd

Decentralized Identity Use Cases

June 07, 2024 14:30 - 14:50
Location: C 01
Food Supply Chain: Pioneering a Digital Farm Wallet with a Consortium in New Zealand
In the rapidly evolving agricultural sector, the importance of data management and sharing has never been more critical. Traditional methods are no longer sufficient; they create compliance burdens, inefficiencies and face a lack of trust. New Zealand is undertaking a transformative approach with the Digital Farm Wallet pilot, conceived by the Trust Alliance New Zealand (TANZ), a non-profit industry consortium recognising that trusted data sharing is essential for the growth of New...

Scheddebrock Ltd.
June 07, 2024 14:50 - 15:10
Location: C 01
Will EUDI Wallets be Able to Support the Digital Euro?
The European Central Bank is busily preparing for a potential launch of a Digital Euro, that would provide an electronic alternative to cash, significantly changing how we send money to each other. Any such system will have to meet an exacting set of requirements - including the ability to support massive scale and protecting of the privacy individuals whilst preventing fraud and money laundering. This talk will explore the potential role of EUDI Wallets in meeting these requirements,...

Consult Hyperion
June 07, 2024 15:10 - 15:30
Location: C 01
Decentralized Federation: A New Trust Model Built on Existing Systems and Connecting Trust Registries
What would happen if standards-based digital credentialing technology becomes widely accessible? Any entity, large or small, can start issuing and verifying within weeks, days or even hours. Then, the initial adoption of digital credentials will mostly be driven by ‘local’ needs. This is inevitable due to the decreasing cost and complexity of technology. However, as more and more begin to issue credentials on their own terms with little to no coordination, even when the technology...

Identity Woman in Business
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