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Azita Hosseini-Nejad

Azita Hosseini-Nejad

Product Owner
esatus AG
Azita holds a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Computer Science with a focus on IT Management and has gained over 10 years of experience in the IT sector.

At esatus she has successfully contributed to numerous complex projects to optimize IT business management processes. 

As product owner of SOWL, the innovative esatus enterprise suite and toolbox for decentralized identity, she leads a team of 12 IT specialists. Azita has been instrumental in the continuous improvement and fine-tuning of this technology, which has already passed the test of practical application, e.g. as the basis for inGo, the Lindner solution for construction site access.

The human factor in IT is very important to her. Therefore, Azita always keeps an eye on the optimal user experience, which ultimately ensures the success of any innovation. She is also a strong advocate of decentralized identities as driver of digitalization, empowering individuals to regain control over their personal data.  

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