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Joran Frik

Joran Frik

Senior Manager
Joran is a Senior Manager in Deloitte’s Digital Identity team with over 9 years of experience. He specializes in digital identity from a strategic perspective, with a passion for citizen and customer identity. Joran, together with his team, brings expertise around federated and decentralised (or ‘wallet-based’) identity solutions, such as use-cases, capabilities, and standards, primarily in a European setting. Most of his expertise is in citizen identity and public sector, having worked for European, federal, and regional governments. Joran has also built up experience in, among others, Financial Services and Consumer industries. Joran’s key strength is in bridging the strategic, regulatory, legal, and technical, and as such is able to consistently help meet the business goals behind technical projects. The ability to translate strategic initiatives to working solutions comes from his academic background (International Relations) as well as practical experience in policy, regulatory and implementation tracks. For example, Joran has worked closely around eIDAS-related projects, from his involvement with the eIDAS task force and eSENS, to implementation with public service providers, and later private sector identity providers and relying parties. Joran and his team leverage this experience to advise clients on what is needed for success for modern identity implementations such as in ‘eIDAS2’ or decentralised contexts.

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June 05, 2024
15:50 - 16:10
Business Models for Decentralized Identity & EUDIW
Combined Session
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