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Panel: Open Source Wallets

Panel: Open Source Wallets

Combined Session
Thursday, June 06, 2024 12:40—13:00
Location: C 01
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Dirk Backofen
Tribe Lead Digital Identities
T-Systems International GmbH
Dirk Backofen is the Tribe Lead Digital Identities of T-Systems International GmbH. In this role Dirk is accountable for a new Business Unit including all technologies like SSI, eID, Smart eID and...
Loffie Jordaan
Business Solutions Architect
AAMVA - American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators
Loffie Jordaan is a Business Solutions Architect at AAMVA. He currently focuses on digital identity management, including mobile driver’s licenses and the ecosystem required to make them...
Rob Otto
Ping Identity
Rob is a Principal Architect for Ping Identity in the UK and also the EMEA representative to the Ping Identity CTO Office. Rob has 20 years experience in identity and access management. He has...
Konstantin Papaxanthis
Group CEO & Founder
Scytáles AB
Founder and CEO of Scytáles AB, the frontrunner in secure digital identity solutions, with the vision to build trust in the digital world and generate social and economic benefits to society...
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