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A Practical Guide for EUDI-Wallet Use Case Implementation for Organisations

A Practical Guide for EUDI-Wallet Use Case Implementation for Organisations

Combined Session
Wednesday, June 05, 2024 15:30—15:50
Location: C 01
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In this presentation you will be introduced to a step-by-step guide on how your organisation can implement use cases with EUDI-Wallets. You will be provided with tangible recommendations based on years of experience of implementing ID-Wallet use cases gathered by the Lissi Team. Goal of the session will be that you not only know how to approach the topic from a strategic angle, but also have concrete next steps on how to move forward to get your organisation eIDAS ready. 

Adrian Doerk
With over a decade of expertise in digital wallets, specializing in the European digital identity wallet (EUDI-Wallet) under eIDAS 2.0 regulation, I create innovative solutions that enhance...
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