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Boris Goranov

Boris Goranov

Boris Goranov is involved in security since 1999, as a white hack hacker , hacking smart cards at The TNO Institute. He holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering from the Delft University of Technology. Before founding Ubiqu Boris was responsible for Identity topics related to smartcards and PKI in the Security practice of Siemens IT Solutions and Services. Boris founded Ubiqu to create a solution that is easy to use, but also as secure as a smart card using mobile phones and is currently Ubiqu's CEO. Ubiqu’s token is the first eIDAS high compliant mobile phone based solution, that is easy to use, easy to roll-out at scale and easy to integrate into an infrastructure by employing just an app on a mobile phone combined with a central Ubiqu bespoke remote secure element. Ubiqu’s unique innovation centers around the concept of a cloud HSM protected by an mobile app and vice versa. Ubiqu takes a special place in the ecosystem. Ubiqu is a specialist token innovator and acts as a strategic component provider in a broader eIDAS compliant implementation. In that role Ubiqu is responsible turn-key compliant token and a turn-key compliant issuance process concept. Thus enabling eIDAS compliant operators to employ a eIDAS high complaint solution to a nationwide demographic fast and responsible. Ubiqu has successfully engaged identity providers, MNO’s, banks and governments, supplying a highly easy to use, scalable and secure token.

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June 06, 2024
11:30 - 12:00
Panel: Expert/Digital Wallet & Verifiers Q+A
Combined Session
June 06, 2024
12:40 - 13:00
Scaling eIDAS 2.0 Wallets: The Secure Element Problem
Combined Session
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