In June 2023, the German Ministry of Interior presented the whitepaper "Beyond EU Digital Identity Wallet" as a kickoff for the project to define the concept for the upcoming eIDAS 2.0 identity ecosystem in Germany. The project intends to actively involve the public and civil society, citizens and the private sector in a transparent and open process. The main objective is to define a concept for an eIDAS-compliant architecture for Germany that ensures trustworthy and EU-wide interoperable wallets and support relevant use cases to German residents with state of the art user experience in a sustainable way. It will evaluate various options for issuance and maintenance of EUDI Wallet and then build and test a prototype for this infrastructure. A first revision of the Wallet architecture proposal was published in December 2023 on OpenCode. In our session, we will review the progress of the project and present the current status of the Wallet Architecture document and give an outlook of the upcoming developments and workshops.