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Daniel Du Seuil

Daniel Du Seuil

Daniel Du Seuil is the convenor of the European Self Sovereign   Identity Framework (ESSIF) within the European Blockchain Partnership. This   partnership of 30 EU Member States and supporting countries established a   European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) to help deliver cross-border digital public services meeting high security and privacy  standards. Daniel participates in the EBSI-VECTOR project as a workpackage leader and is a member of the EDIC Europeum taskforce. 

Daniel is also the initiator and project leader of the National   Belgian SSI project Blockchain on the Move. He is currently working as a   project manager for digital transformation at Howest – Web3 Unit, and was the  former blockchain programme manager for the Flemish government. He is a  member of the EU Blockchain Observatory and co-initiator of the Belgian   blockchain taskforce at Beltug and the new Blockchain4Belgium group.     

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