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Can the EU DI Wallets revolutionise how we pay (and what could that mean for the banks)?

Can the EU DI Wallets revolutionise how we pay (and what could that mean for the banks)?

Combined Session
Wednesday, June 05, 2024 16:10—16:30
Location: C 01
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The EU DI wallet offers new opportunities to improve payment – as well as new risks and regulatory obligations. Payment is expected to be an important driver of adoption of the wallet and benefits for the market. This session explores the findings from the large-scale pilots and discusses the role of banks and others in the payment eco-system.

Marie Austenaa
Head of Digital Identity
Visa Europe
Marie Austenaa, Head of Digital Identity at Visa Europe and Board Chair of the Open Wallet Foundation at the Linux Foundation, is a highly experienced speaker and expert in digital identity and...
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