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Manipulative Digital Identity: What is Manipulation in the Context of eIDAS Recital 3?

Manipulative Digital Identity: What is Manipulation in the Context of eIDAS Recital 3?

Combined Session
Friday, June 07, 2024 12:10—12:30
Location: C 01
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Online manipulation is mentioned in several EU Regulations as one of the cyber threats that need to be countered. Recital 3 in the eIDAS 2.0 regulation also mentions manipulation as a threat that the European Digital Identity Wallet and other subjects covered in eIDAS are to address. This talk will detail from a normative perspective what manipulation is and how online manipulation has specific traits. From that perspective the way the EUDIW is discussed and how it can aggravate or reduce manipulative capabilities in the online realm.
This talk draws from research that is conducted at Delft University by Henk Marsman on the topic of digital wallets, national identity and online manipulation, for which a paper is forthcoming in 2024.

Henk Marsman
Principal Consultant
Henk Marsman is both independent researcher as well as principal consultant at SonicBee. Having spend over 20 years in cybersecurity and specifically identity and access management he still advises...
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