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Learnings and Outcomes of the Use of a Digital Travel Credential (DTC) Type 1 for Boarding and Border Crossing Processes, a Pilot Project in The Netherlands

Learnings and Outcomes of the Use of a Digital Travel Credential (DTC) Type 1 for Boarding and Border Crossing Processes, a Pilot Project in The Netherlands

Combined Session
Thursday, June 06, 2024 15:40—16:00
Location: C 01
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This presentation focuses on the opportunities and challenges of public-private partnerships evaluating the effectiveness of the ICAO DTC standard in the context of airplane boarding and border crossing, co-funded by the European Commission.

Wim van der Lingen
Architect of border innovation
Ministry of Justice and Security, the Netherlands
Wim van der Lingen has a career in improving government performance through the use of information technology. Educated in both business and public administration, he has worked on many projects...
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