The success of decentralised digital identity is dependent on a solid, self-sustaining, privacy-friendly business model. The more credentials will be available, the more use-cases will be generated. Making available verified and reusable data will act as a flywheel to both the uptake among end-users and the adoption among service providers. After all, the more credentials, the more use-cases, the higher the value for all users. However, to make available credentials, organisations need to be rewarded. Most credentials under discussion today can be issued by (semi-)governmental organisations, such as a mobile drivers license, social security cards, diploma's, or professional attestations. Making available this data is typically a public task. Private sector organisations, however, will not be so keen to make available data. They have gone through costly, cumbersome procedures to verify user data, for example for KYC purposes. They will want to see a reward for making available this data, as well as assurances on liability for further use.
This talk will discuss possible business models for decentralised identity and the European Digital Identity Wallet (EUDIW) in particular, for the different roles involved such as attribute providers, wallet providers, and relying parties. We will look at examples from existing implementations, and compare what works - and what does not. We consider monetisation models, governance, and prerequisities. This presentation will lead to options and scenarios that may provide input to the architectural reference framework (ARF) and EUDIW implementation.