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OpenID for Verifiable Credentials

OpenID for Verifiable Credentials

Combined Session
Thursday, June 06, 2024 17:50—18:10
Location: C 01
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OpenID for Verifiable Credentials (OID4VC) is a protocol family developed in the Digital Credentials Working Group (DCP WG) of the OpenID Foundation, which enables the development of Wallet-based applications. It has seen tremendous adoption in the last two years in different contexts and jurisdictions. This resulted in a lot of implementers feedback and increased participation in the WG. One of those initiatives, eIDAS 2.0, provided very high security and privacy requirements. This talk will give an update on the latest developments of OID4VC and an outlook on the topics that are planned to be addressed. It will also cover additional aspects important to strengthen OID4VC ecosystem, such as conformance testing, security analysis results and overview of the available Open Source implementations.

Dr. Torsten Lodderstedt
Lead Architect for Germany’s EU Digital Identity Wallet
SPRIND - German Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation
Dr.-Ing. Torsten Lodderstedt is a Digital Identity Architect with more than 15 years experience in developing and running large scale consumer identity services. He currently works for the German...
Kristina Yasuda
Identity System Architect
SPRIND - German Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation
Kristina is an Identity System Architect at SPRIND - German Federal Agency of Disruptive Innovation. Previously she worked as an Identity Standards Architect at Microsoft, known for her work...
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