1 Introduction
Access Governance has emerged as one of the fastest growing market segments in the broader IAM/IAG market with a focus on Access Request Management, Role Management, Access Recertification, and SoD (Segregation of Duties) management and enforcement. Over the past few years this area has evolved significantly with the incorporation of Access Intelligence, which provides advanced analytical capabilities for identifying access risks and analyzing the current status of entitlements. Many vendors have improved capabilities in managing access risks while some vendors have also added User Activity Monitoring to their products.
Most vendors also have some functionality for connecting back to the target systems, notably by including Identity Provisioning capabilities. However, there are still vendors in the market that focus only on Access Governance, while others support both deployment on top of an existing Identity Provisioning solution and integrated deployments. Depending on the current existing IAM infrastructure and the customer’s requirements, an integrated solution or a separate one might be the better choice.
The recertification of access rights is becoming one of the most important tasks in the field of access governance. Gaps introduce immediate security risks and audit findings. To reduce such risks, the recertification has to be done frequently and in a business-friendly way. In every heterogeneous IT-environment this process has to be supported by a technical solution.
While a large number of customers look for either Access Governance or Identity Provisioning, increasingly vendors are offering combined offerings. There are good reasons for taking either approach: e.g., when updating just part of an IAM infrastructure, by adding Access Governance to an existing Identity Provisioning solution.
One of the companies combining both worlds is Beta Systems. The German company was founded in 1983 and has been listed on the stock exchange since 1997. It’s a leading mid-sized, independent European software vendor for Identity and Access Management products.