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Decentralized Identity & Global Wallets

Decentralized Identity & Global Wallets

Thursday, June 06, 2024 14:30—18:30
Location: C 01

The digital identity landscape extends far beyond the confines of enterprise walls. As we step into a hyperconnected world, the significance of identity stretches across global platforms, consumer interfaces, regulatory environments, and innovative identification paradigms. This session stream at EIC 2024 seeks to uncover the vast expanse of digital identity, diving deep into its transformative potential and its evolving challenges. Attendees will be equipped with insights and strategies, ensuring they're poised to navigate and leverage the multifaceted domain of global digital identity.

Receive Continuing Professional Education Credits

KuppingerCole Analysts AG is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credits. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry through its website: nasbaregistry.org.

Participants will earn 3 CPE Credits for this track.

After attending this track, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the vast expanse of digital identity beyond the enterprise, with an emphasis on the transformative potential and evolving challenges
  • Illustrate the importance of maintaining robust security standards in global ID Wallets while ensuring user convenience in global identity solutions
  • Recognize the potential of eIDAS 2 in ensuring harmonized identity verification across EU member states
  • Discuss the concept of identity not bound by centralized authorities, ensuring user ownership and control
  • Identify the nuances of managing identities in consumer-facing platforms, balancing user experience with security
  • Recognize the evolving regulations surrounding digital identity, ranging from data protection to user rights
  • Go beyond multi-factor authentication (MFA) to recognize emerging paradigms in verifying user identities
  • Determine the technologies and methodologies promising enhanced security combined with user convenience, shaping the future of digital access

Field of Study: Information technology
Prerequisites: Experience in the field of Information Security
Advance Preparation: None
Program Level: Intermediate
Delivery Method: Group Live (on-site attendance only)

To register for this session, book your Conference Ticket here.
In order to be awarded the full credit hours, you must attend the whole track on-site, which will be controlled after the Conference.
To redeem your CPE credits, please fill and submit the CPE application form after the conference.
After we have checked your attendance, you will receive your CPE certificate.

Refunds and Cancellations:
There will be no fees for cancellations up to 30 days before the beginning of the event. For cancellations between 30 and 14 days before the conference, we will charge an administration fee of 50% of the participation fee. For cancellations later than this, we will charge the total conference fee. The cancellation must be in writing.  
For more information regarding refunds, complaints, and/or program cancellation policies please contact our Events team via eventsteam@kuppingercole.com


IAM Practice Director
Founder and ED
OpenWallet Foundation


June 06, 2024
14:30 - 14:50
Introduction to the German EUDI Wallet Project
In June 2023, the German Ministry of Interior presented the whitepaper "Beyond EU Digital Identity Wallet" as a kickoff for the project to define the concept for the upcoming eIDAS 2.0 identity ecosystem in Germany. The project intends to actively involve the public and civil society, citizens and the private sector in a transparent and open process. The main objective is to define a concept for an eIDAS-compliant architecture for Germany that ensures trustworthy and EU-wide interoperable...

SPRIND - German Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation
Bundesdruckerei GmbH

June 06, 2024
14:50 - 15:10
Panel: Qualified Ledgers – Breakthrough for Decentralized Identities in eIDAS 2.0 through EBSI?
With the European Blockchain Service Infrastructure (EBSI) the European Union established an European DLT-infrastructure provided by the Member States. This means that the DLT nodes are in the responsibility of the Member States and so ensure a government trust anchor Since EBSI contains own governance and technical specifications together with conformance tests for wallet it provides a comprehensive framework for decentralized digital identities in Europe. EBSI is widely for use cases in...

Logalty Prueba por Interposicion SL
msg systems ag

June 06, 2024
15:10 - 15:30
The Swiss E-ID and Trust Infrastructure
After the rejection of the first E-ID act at the ballot in 2021, the Federal Government of Switzerland has adopted a new approach. To accommodate concerns about the protection of privacy, the new E-ID incorporates elements of self-sovereign identities. The trust infrastructure, that comes with it, will allow the issuance of other credentials by state and private actors alike. The presentation will provide an overview on the project, including considerations on interoperability.

Federal Office of Justice, Switzerland

June 06, 2024
15:30 - 15:40
Setting the Scene: The future of Digital Travel Credentials

Independent Advisor

June 06, 2024
15:40 - 16:00
Learnings and Outcomes of the Use of a Digital Travel Credential (DTC) Type 1 for Boarding and Border Crossing Processes, a Pilot Project in The Netherlands
This presentation focuses on the opportunities and challenges of public-private partnerships evaluating the effectiveness of the ICAO DTC standard in the context of airplane boarding and border crossing, co-funded by the European Commission.

Ministry of Justice and Security, the Netherlands

June 06, 2024
16:00 - 16:30
Panel: The Future of Travel Credentials
Deep dive into to opportunities and challenges of using a digital travel credential to obtain a visa, cross a border, bord a flight and check in to a hotel. Will the ICAO DTC be the solution and what role will IATA OneID play in the digitization of travel facilitation?

Independent Advisor
Amadeus's Travel ID
Ministry of Justice and Security, the Netherlands

June 06, 2024
17:30 - 17:50
Best Practice: DIDs and Verifiable Credentials in the Construction Industry
Many different stakeholders are involved in a construction project, such as general contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, architects, and workers. The site operator must ensure that anyone entering and working on the site is legally authorized to do so.  Checking and verifying relevant documents (e.g. work permits, employee ID cards, training certificates) is a cumbersome and error-prone process that involves a lot of paperwork. Decentralized identities with leveraging DIDs, wallets...

tibe.io / Lindner AG

June 06, 2024
17:50 - 18:10
OpenID for Verifiable Credentials
OpenID for Verifiable Credentials (OID4VC) is a protocol family developed in the Digital Credentials Working Group (DCP WG) of the OpenID Foundation, which enables the development of Wallet-based applications. It has seen tremendous adoption in the last two years in different contexts and jurisdictions. This resulted in a lot of implementers feedback and increased participation in the WG. One of those initiatives, eIDAS 2.0, provided very high security and privacy requirements. This talk will...

SPRIND - German Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation
SPRIND - German Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation

June 06, 2024
18:10 - 18:30
Panel: Addressing Usability Challenges of Digital Identity Wallets
In this panel session we will discuss about user experience challenges and opportunities presented by the new paradigm of Decentralized Identities, Digital Identity Wallets and Verifiable Credentials, and some exciting potential solutions. 

OpenID Foundation
Jobs for the Future

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