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AlgoSec enables the world’s largest organizations to align business and security strategies, and manage their network security based on what matters most — the applications that power their businesses.
Through a single pane of glass, the AlgoSec Security Management Solution provides holistic, business-level visibility across the entire network security infrastructure, including business applications and their connectivity flows — in the cloud and across SDN and on-premise networks. With AlgoSec users can auto-discover and migrate application connectivity, proactively analyze risk from the business perspective, tie cyber-attacks to business processes and intelligently automate time-consuming security changes— all with zero-touch, and seamlessly orchestrated across any heterogeneous environment.
Over 1,800 leading organizations, including 20 of the Fortune 50, have relied on AlgoSec to drive business agility, security and compliance. AlgoSec has provided the industry’s only money-back guarantee since 2005. For more information, visit www.AlgoSec.com.
The use of cloud services is one of the key enablers of digital transformation - accelerating time to value, providing more access to powerful IT resources in a more cost-effective manner and removing the management costs associated with commodity services. However, these benefits come with some risks. Migrating your business applications to the cloud without creating security vulnerabilities, unnecessary risks to your data and ensuring compliance, is critical for a successful digital transformation.
Today’s enterprises are under continuous pressure to support new digital transformation initiatives, to adopt modern technologies like the cloud and software-defined data centers (SDDC) and, of course, to stay protected from external and internal cyberthreats. With the increasing pace of business, achieving greater agility and efficiency through automation of business processes is becoming one of the key challenges for IT. Unfortunately, the resulting dramatic increase in complexity of heterogeneous IT infrastructures combined with growing sophistication of modern cyberthreats has made security a real bottleneck to business enablement.
Finding the right balance between strong protection and unhindered productivity is a tough challenge. Ensuring that this balance is constantly maintained across thousands of security controls is even more complicated. In this KuppingerCole webinar, we discuss how a new business-driven approach towards security management and automation can ensure that IT does not become a bottleneck to business agility.
Wie schön waren die Zeiten, in denen man die physische wie digitale Sicherheit in seinem Unternehmen als eine Art Ritterburg mit umlaufendem Wassergraben („Perimeter“) abbilden konnte.Doch diese Zeiten sind vorbei. Die Mitarbeiter sind über die ganze Welt verstreut, arbeiten teilweise im Büro und teilweise im Home Office, von unterwegs oder einem Shared Space. Die zu schützenden digitalen Assets liegen überall: In der öffentlichen Cloud, der privaten Cloud, der hybriden Cloud, auf Endgeräten im Unternehmen und ausserhalb, bei Partnern und Kunden.
Das digitale Unternehmen muß agil genug sein, seinem Kunden in die Zukunft des digitalen Business zu folgen. Da gibt es keinen Platz mehr für klassisches Perimeter-Denken. Was wir brauchen ist die richtige Balance. zwischen starkem Schutz und uneingeschränkter Produktivität zu finden, ist eine schwierige Aufgabe - aber sicherzustellen, dass dieses Gleichgewicht bei tausenden Sicherheitskontrollen stetig beibehalten wird, ist noch viel komplexer.