Welcome, welcome beautiful people here at the European Identity and Cloud Conference Awards 2024. Come get the round, come close you a bit. You can stand in line and watch me.
All right, so my name is Lucas Hasa, the honors of being your host for tonight's evening. And we are here in the beautiful, at least in some places, city of Berlin and my hometown. So that's why I'm allowed to say that. And it's a pleasure having you all here today. And before you go, oh no, not another one of these long ass award ceremonies. We just can't. We sit back, have a couple of drinks, you know, have a couple of snacks, drink a couple of beers, and celebrate those amongst us who did very, very well this year.
Well, you can, you're full free to do that. And it won't be long as I promise, at least not as long as, all right?
We try to keep a good pace here this year. That's why we are outside. Take your time, have some drinks, and to brighten up the mood, sit back, gather your friends, gather your loved ones, gather your colleagues, and let's celebrate because tonight we want to shine a spotlight on the outstanding achievements that excelled this year. And I have the honors of presenting these awards for tonight that have excelled in a dynamic field of digital id, security, privacy, and governance.
And to start out, I want to talk about what makes a winning project. A winning project is not merely about cutting edge technology or fancy buzzwords. It's about implementing digital solutions with robust governance frameworks to ensure authentication, accountability, and transparency. It's about staying ahead of the curve in this ever changing digital landscape of threats and vulnerabilities. And it's about selling freaking damn good product for people that most times don't even really get it.
And so tonight we want to sell, celebrate those who got it, the trailblazers, the visionaries, the cherries on top, the little nerds and the big ones for not just embracing these challenges but exceeding and navigating this complex web, pun intended of data protection and security. And let us remember that the truth challenge lies within the ability to adapt, to innovate, and above all to protect. And so we want to start up with our first award. And for that, our senior analyst, Mathias Ryan Ward, recorded some of his thoughts on our first prize for customer and citizen authentication.
See, we even did some little edit editing, so we tried to keep it short and enjoy.
When is a customer and citizen authentication project worthy of an EIC award?
Well, when it's a game changer for both the customer slash citizen and the organization providing this new type of authentication solution, and for this award, we take a look at a truly remarkable transformation within one of its region's most venerable financial institutions. Today's winner was founded in 1969 and with such a storied past, it recognized the need to evolve not only to keep pace with rapid technology advancements, but to set new standards in the banking industry.
And becoming such a bank of the future means first and foremost, enhancing the customer experience through cutting edge technology. It means strengthening cybersecurity with top-notch measures and it means establishing a modern technology backbone capable of supporting future digital advancements. So welcome to the world of consumer identity and access management and welcome to the challenge of migrating from a legacy LDA to a modern CIAM platform.
The combined team of the bank, the solution vendor and the implementation partner achieved a seamless transition in just 12 months, including a zero disruption user migration, over half a million customers, secure authentication processes and the integration of multifactor authentication, faster deployment with zero downtimes while integrating with multiple critical applications without disrupting operations. All of this is evidence of a project that is truly worthy of an EIC award.
The winner of this year's EIC award for customer and citizen authentication is the Commercial Bank of Dubai, together with expert teams from like Minds Consulting and Ping identity. Congratulations,
Big round of applause. And accepting the award will be Ramnath Krishna Morty. Unfortunately, he can't be here tonight with us, but Oh, you are here. Oh my God. So please join me on stage. Sure. Just a minute. Congratulations. Congratulations.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen.
Myself, Thomas Sian. I'm the Chief Information Officer for Commercial Bank of Dubai. I'm extremely honored to accept this award on behalf of Commercial Bank of Dubai. This recognition reflects the hard work and dedication that has been behind our transformation journey. Our incredible partners at like minds and Ping Identity have been crucial to our success in this journey. This project which has transformed our omnichannel experience for our clients as well as our customers, stands as a beacon of innovation in the region. And this award from KuppingerCole highlights its significant impact.
As we look ahead, we are excited to continue pushing the boundaries of excellence, though we can't be there in person, we are extremely grateful for our partners from Pinger identity and like minds. They can celebrate this success with you. Their expertise has been invaluable in this journey. Once again, thank you so much for this prestigious honor. We look forward to continuing our journey of innovation and excellence. Thank you.
Thank you very, very much. And the last time I announced our next presenter, I described him, him as the man, the myth, the legend was a bit much, I guess.
So this time I tried differently because he's actually not very mythical. He's actually quite well known and kind of down to earth and he's a man indeed. So let's strike like this. Next up is some dude who's accidentally also the founder of KuppingerCole Analysts, Martin Coppinger, doing the award speech for verifiable credentials and decentralized identity.
We all talk a lot about digital identity wallets, specifically here, the European Identity Conference where this entire sea of decentralized identity and identity was very important for more than a decade right now.
And so wallets are important. And what I, to a certain extent miss, is a bit the perspective on the usability on the user and also on the reuse of wallets. So I don't want to end up with many, many different wallets and I don't want to end, I don't want to end up with wallets. They're all are different. They're are all different in the way I use them, in the way I bring verifiable credentials in this et cetera. I want to have something which is very convenient to me.
I also believe that the wallets hopefully in some sense will become a commodity, something that's available because the value of what we are doing around decentralized identity and what is happening around digital identity wallets, the value is in the business case behind the wallet is just a means which makes it easy for us as end user to use these new types of services. So I like initiatives that help in building wallets as a broad, freely available approach.
This year's winner in the category of verifiable credentials and decentralized identity is the open wallet foundation.
Big round of applause. Alright, and accepting the award will be Daniel Gold, right? Another one. Right. Thank you.
Just an honor to to win this award. The Open Wallet Foundation is building technology that all of you hopefully will be using in wallets either very soon or or down the road. So thank you Martin. Thank you to KU Cole and to all of you for the award. Thanks. Thank
You so much. It's a pleasure.
Alright, and as said, we try to keep it a bit short this year. So for our next category, we have future technologies and standards. And for that our lead analyst, Paul Fisher, will be doing the honors,
Ladies and gentlemen, verifiable credentials or wallets provide unparalleled insurance about the authenticity, integrity of shared information. They're tamper evident and can be independently verified by any party. Users can share only the necessary information required by the verifier, thereby minimizing the risk of oversharing sensitive data.
However, we still face challenges in implementing verifiable credentials due to the inconsistencies of authentication technologies and protocols. That is why it's great news that an organization with a vision to help people assert their identity has made significant strides in this area. The organization has developed a new identity layer to sit on top of the OAuth two protocol, enabling computing clients to verify an end user's identity based on authentication performed by an authorization service.
This allows users to log into multiple sites with a single set of credentials maintained by a third party service. This represents a major advancement in digital identity management. The winner of the Future technologies and Standard award this year goes to the Open ID Foundation for their work on open ID for verifiable credentials.
Yes, thanks so much. We can see the pleasure and doing the accepting the award will be torson. Thanks so much.
Thank you very much. I'm so excited about that. And I would like to thank the working group. People are here around Tobias Oliver, Joseph, Gail for the amazing work we have been doing together. And I would also like to thank all the implementers that helped us to evolve and to shape what we're doing. And also the other standardization groups that either in cooperation competition or co-Opetition helped us to evolve open. I obviously were not done yet.
If you want to help us to make open ID for VC better, please join the DCP working group at the Open ID Foundation. Thank you very much.
Thank you so much. I like the shirt, pragmatic energy. That's the spirit.
Oh wait, yes. Beautiful pragmatic energy. That's what we need here. I think usually I would find some very wholesome words for introducing our next speaker, but I already did. And so here's again for you. Matthias Reinwarth presenting the enterprise IAM award
For the next EIC award, we recognize outstanding achievements in the category of enterprise IAM. This award goes to a project that exemplifies a seamless and successful transition to modern cloud-based IAM solutions.
This organization began its IAM journey in 2011 with an on-premises solution to ensure precise allocation of access, right? They enjoyed strong IEM capabilities extended by additional flexibility through configuration and customization.
However, customizability often brings challenges in maintainability and readiness for upgrades. Fast forward to 2021, the IAM landscape had changed. It had evolved. The organization had to choose between upgrading their on-premises solution again or transitioning to the vendor's cloud solution. They chose the cloud for better performance, for reduced complexity, and for improved maintenance.
Initially there were concerns about replicating the existing on-prem functionality in the cloud, but they made it joint fit gap workshops and a commitment to standard practices together with the system vendor. And the system integrator facilitated a successful transition in far less than a year. Among others, SAP systems, active directories and various applications like LMS Confluence and HR tools were smoothly integrated with the new solution.
Please join me in congratulating our awardees for their exemplary work in transitioning to a cloud-based IM solution and maybe even more importantly, transitioning back to more standardized, less customized processes. It is my honor to announce that the winner of the enterprise IAM category is through Karich agi, supported by the teams of Omada and securing congratulations.
Congratulations to the Zurich Airport. Indeed. And accepting the award award will be. And before I say that, he has a little introduction, I'm gonna check.
No, he is not here. Alright then. Di Mata.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is Diet Mata. I work as product owner for identity and access management at the Zu. We are delighted that we want tonight the EIC award in the category enterprise IAM. Together with my team, we went from a very customized on-premise solution up to the latest cloud standard solution of Omada within one year. Our guideline was the identity process plus procedure from Omada, which helps us to use 38 or 42 processes in our daily work.
As identity and management organization, I would like to use this opportunity to thank my whole team, the alians, the so-called colleagues from Omada, my local staff in Zurich, and a lot of experts from local suppliers and contractors. Together we were able to make this flagship project possible and get our identity and solution identity access solution management in the cloud. Thanks very much and see you soon at one of the best airports in Europe. Bye.
Thank you Deep mar.
And for the next time any anybody of you wins, if you wanna do the film team some pleasures, turn your phone, make it sideways. Does a lot of heavy lifting. And speaking of heavy lifting, do we got some soccer fans around here? Excuse me from,
Speaker 10 00:17:43 Would ask the take the award?
I'm sorry, from Oh yeah, sure, sure. Please come on stage. Sorry. All right.
Oh that's, no, that's all right. There's reward.
Alright, that's quite nice having someone in person here. Alright, next up where we left off soccer fans. Do we got some soccer fans around here? One. Okay Martin, I'm sorry, but you gotta do some heavy lifting for the next one. All right. If you paid attention, you maybe know who is coming up next.
Alright, can you guess who? No.
Alright, I'm gonna give you a little hin sense. The EM is going to take place here in Germany very soon. I'll try to do it in a little holy guine esque way. If you know you join, please do some eing with me.
All right, so next up is Martin coa. Martin coa. I was relying on the beer to do some heavy lifting but nonetheless, next up is Martin coping, again doing the presentation for identity fabrics and IDAS
Identity management is much more than just something that serves the workforce individual business. We must look at all types of identities. We must look at use cases that involve the customer and consumer, the business partners, but also the things and everything else.
When we build digital services that extend formally sort of pure hardware products into products that these are our complemented by digital services or that so to speak, fully integrate digital services, then the digital identity must cover everything. Must be well beyond just success and workforce. And this is a very important aspect of transformation for many organizations and identity management isn't enable.
So we must think our perspectives of how we think about identity fabrics, how we think about identity as a service towards a broader scope of identities, broader scope of use cases to sort of leverage the potential identity management has and digital identity has for the digital business. And I like use cases where, where we really see that digital identity is this enabler that makes digital services, new products work and open new doors to the business. So this is why we have chosen this particular project. The winner in the category identity fabrics and AIDA this year is HTI group.
Big round of applause for the HTI group joining me here on stages. Hannah Shana, congratulations.
Speaker 11 00:21:06 Thank you very much. I think with the kind solution, we are really adding a lot of value to our business customers and we, our goal was to have, because we are manufacturer of roadways, cable cars, we wanted to use the same quality in our digital products and hey,
Speaker 12 00:21:25 And we have to share with
Speaker 11 00:21:26 You. And I also want to thank you first. I will thank you.
My team, one guy is here with me, I'm not sure where he's now. And I would also like to thank you tha who helped us on this journey. We had a lot of good discussions and I think we have a really guy nice solution for our customers.
Now, thank
Speaker 13 00:21:42 You very much for your tasting, selecting the best solution
Speaker 11 00:21:45 Possible,
Speaker 12 00:21:47 Thank you for your tasting, selecting the best solution possible for the job. Good, thanks. Thank you very much.
Thank you to both of you. Congratulations. So for our next category, I decided to do something special for you. I've invited a local amateur standup group to do a little sketch for you to announce our next award, but unfortunately their website was hacked so I couldn't reach 'em.
The website's currently selling Warren panties quite exciting but also very exciting is we got Paul Fisher again for you doing the introduction for identity startup of the year.
Ladies and gentlemen, in an era defined by zero trust, it might seem counterintuitive to suggest placing more trust in user identities. Yet that is precisely what this year's identity startup winner is advocating.
While some use identity first as a mere marketing buzzword, others truly understand the nuances of identity behavior, the variations among identities and resources they seek to access within modern organizations. Our winner tonight belongs to that latter group leading the charge among startups that are challenging the status quo. This company recognized that expectations around onboarding and self-service have evolved dramatically in recent years. Customers now demand seamless and personalized onboarding experiences.
Moreover, those customers want the ability to invite teammates to applications, manage permission, set up single sign on connections, and perform various admin tasks without needing ever to contact IC support or open support tickets. In essence, the company this company brings workflows common in a developer focus company to the broader realm of identity management. Does this forward thinking approach that puts the winner apart, the winner of identity startup of the year this year is D Scope.
Congratulations to D Scope and receiving the award will be Mayor Wayne and Guy for the,
Are they around?
Oh yeah, there you go.
Hey, congratulations.
Speaker 14 00:24:29 Sure.
Hey, well thank you very much. It's a lot of hard work from, from a great team to build a great product on the YA space. So looking forward for the future. In fact everyone
Thanks so much. The next up third three times the charm and charming. He is indeed. So for you, another round of Mathias Reinert doing the announce for special award decentralized ID in practice
The next award is very special even in its name. We honor significant achievement in the category of special award decentralized identity in practice.
Special means that we are now looking at nothing less than a whole nation that has taken substantial steps to dramatically modernize its digital infrastructure. Launched in February, 2023, the country developed its national digital identity NDI, using a self-sovereign identity model based on decentralized identity DID technology. The platform provides citizens with secure and verifiable credentials, ensuring privacy and data protection, targeting sectors such as government, financial services, healthcare, education, human resources and tourism.
The NDI aims to enhance identity verification, authentication and management. It also drives digital economy growth empowers individuals and it enhances privacy. Security promotes environmental sustainability and ensures digital inclusion built on an open source framework. Indeed it meets global web standards W three C and NIST approved biometric algorithms all ensuring interoperability. The national digital identity platform supports up to 1.5 million users, including citizens, tourists, and expats, showcasing the nation's commitment to digital transformation and identity management.
The winner of this year's EIC special award decentralized identity in practice is the nation of Bhutan represented by Brook Holding and Investment and the Govtech Agency of Bhutan. My congratulations,
Big round of applause as a recipient, we got Love Z ya show coming up on stage, receiving the award. Congratulations.
Speaker 15 00:27:44 Maybe if you would.
Speaker 15 00:27:47 Hello. Good evening everyone.
Really, really overwhelmed with the, I think hospitality and the receptions we are getting. And then the thank you I think to to the organizer, EIC for recognizing Bhutan N D's platform. We are really thrilled and excited that even in Europe being a very small, tiny nation between India and China, we are being recognized. Our works are being recognized and I'm sure now with EGS two coming in Europe, I think we'll sail along together in this journey of making decentralized identity the future for all the people.
I think on behalf of of my team, on behalf of my people of Bhutan, on behalf of my king, we'd like to extend a big thanks to all the people where supported us. Thank you,
Thank you guys so much. And to keep everything interesting for our next 12 awards.
No, I'm just joking. We actually just got one more and we thought it was the time for a lifetime award and this time we've got Martin Coing again, but this time we got him life on stage.
Speaker 16 00:29:06 Yes, welcome again. I think most of you have heard me sometimes today and so it's a pleasure for me to, to hold, to give this load of asio right now. The lifetime achievement award is something we don't do every year. We only do it occasionally because it's really something very special.
So when we look at identity management, I think all of you are in some way surely being here involved in identity access management, in digital identity. And I think we all have learned that the entire thing is a team effort. It is something which never works when you do it alone. It works only when, when you do it as a team. And it also is something which I think works best when you work with a lot of different people because there's, there's a lot of complexity, there's a lot of things you, you need to understand where you can learn from your peers.
Speaker 16 00:30:09 And so my strong belief is that the community, the identity community is super essential for every one of us to succeed because it's about people working together, people talking, people meeting. And I think we, there, there are people who are extremely important to build places for the community to meet. And I think I can say with a a bit of proud, we are at a place where the community meets.
And so the person who is really behind this effort, we who managed to bring in a huge community to work with all the standards bodies to create a a fantastic event is someone I think who has served the entire community really, really a lot because it's about connecting, it's about sharing, it's about all the things. And so the lifetime achievement award this year goes to my co-founder Resh for all his work in making the European Identity Conference happen. It's a really great pleasure for all the great work it is. Congratulations, you have really deserved it.
Speaker 17 00:31:41 Thank you so much. Just
Speaker 18 00:31:42 A few words today,
Speaker 17 00:31:44 An honor to be part of this community. I'll keep on being part of that community if you allow and I'm deeply humbled to meet all of you over here in Berlin. Thank you very much
Speaker 16 00:32:01 So,
And there's another little surprise, we got something prepared for you. And if you want a piece of that cake, join us afterwards for food that is also served inside.
So please step up, step in line, get yourself a piece, and another round of applause for your aggress. And there's just one thing left to do for me as thank you all for being here today and thank you all for celebrating with us, those who did very well this year and exceeded. So have a big round of applause for all of yourself. Thank you so much for coming today. Grab a couple of beers, enjoy and have a good night. Thank you so much.