Hello, welcome to this webinar on why data resilience is key to digital transformation. My name's Mike Small and I'm a senior Analyst with Coppinger Cole. And my co-presenter this afternoon is Florian Maleek, who is Executive Vice President of Marketing at arv. So to make sure that we understand the, the rules, this is basic housekeeping that all the attendees are muted centrally, and the webinar controls will, you will have, we will not be able to unmute yourself. We're going to run some polls during the webinar and hopefully we'll be able to discuss the results during the q and day.
You should find in the screen the pop-up screen that you've got, there is a, a box for asking questions, and we will look at those questions and answer them all at the end. And if we can't answer them all, then we'll try to get back to you afterwards.
All of the slides and the, the, the webinar itself is being recorded and these will be made available shortly after the end of the webinar and certainly within 24 hours. So this webinar we're going to have in the agenda, I'm going to start by talking about why data resilience is needed for digital transformation and what you've got to look for.
And then after that, Florian Malachy is going to talk about OX a's digital resilience platform. So we're, we're, we're going to start now by looking at the environment, the IT service environment that most organizations now have. And this has become a hybrid multi-cloud environment. And this has occurred because of the benefits that this gives in enabling digital transformation, but it also introduces lots of new challenges.
So we're going to start off with a poll. And so I'm going to ask for this poll to be started.
And this poll, we would like you to respond to the question of how does your organization protect its IT systems against ransomware. So the poll is now open. So there are five possible answers that you do this through security awareness and awareness training for the staff. You achieve this through up to date malware protection and deploying this and keeping it up to date across all the systems. You're using data backup solutions. And that's an important question. And do you have, you have an incident response plan and you've actually been able to successfully test the ransomware recovery plan.
So we'll give a little bit of time for this. Only part of the, the participants have voted. I'll give it another 10 seconds and then we'll carry on. People are still voting.
Okay, so the poll has now been closed, so we're going to carry on with the rest of the webinar now. It's interesting and extremely relevant to cyber resilience in our European Identity and Cloud conference in Berlin during May this year, we held a cybersecurity council, which is made up of CISOs in this area, and they identified their top trends. And these are these four things. One is cyber hygiene and organi. These guys were really concerned about laying the foundation for all other measures.
Then this is because cyber resilience has become, if you will, top of the organizational concerns because as you become more dependent upon it, the more important those systems are and the more the problems are. If these are compromised, cyber insurance is becoming a problem because in the past this was really only wanted to cover the costs of recovering the it, but now it's a question of how do you recover the whole business? And I will come back to this later on. And one of the issues that is significantly related to this is who is responsible?
And we will see that there is an increasing amount of regulation that's occurring that is making the board responsible for cyber resilience.
I think since we are all in the IT security, cyber security area, none of the things that are shown on this slide will be new to you. But who would have believed a few years ago that a, a petrochemical pipeline could have been held to ransom by ransomware who would have believed that a patient in a hospital would die because of ransomware? And these are just examples.
The cyber criminals have figured out that your data is so valuable to your organization that if they can deprive you of access to that, they are very likely to get payment. And so this is created from their perspective, an extremely good business model where they will hold your organization to run some and in, in response get a fair amount of money.
Now, this does not simply impact on businesses as the whole of society has become more dependent upon IT services and services delivered through IT, governments have realized the social impact of failure to build adequate resilience to cyber attacks into all of this.
And so across the world you see regulations and rules and laws that have come out that in the US this was brought out through this executive order. And in the EU in 2016, there was this N N I S directive, which is now undergoing improvement.
In fact, the proposal has now been accepted. And one of the interesting things in this proposal, in this new emerging regulation is that it holds the board of an organization responsible for cyber resilience. It also extends the scope of the regulation to cover a much wider range of organizations in recognition of the fact that there are far more organizations which we depend upon in society, for society to function correctly. And so this is a regulation. And so the way regulations work is that once the regulation is approved, the countries have to put it into their own local law.
So it will take a few a period of time before this becomes law around the eu, but it is something that is a recognition. Now, when you look at what these regulations are asking for, you find that in fact there is a whole common set of themes. And what we are calling this is cyber hygiene. And in this particular slide you can see what we in Kuppinger coal have put together as a summary of what cyber hygiene means. And so cyber hygiene has as its foundations, things like culture responsibility in training, one thing that people often forget is managing your assets.
And those assets include not only the systems, the services, but pri primarily the data. Many organizations now ha depend upon data, but they don't actually know what data they depend upon or what they have. Now through this, you can then see that the next fundamental is being able to identify who is accessing systems and control their access. And most organizations have some attempt at this.
If you were to say, and indeed this is what I can see from the results of the first poll, is that most organizations have some kind of malware protection, somehow some form of patch management and vulnerability management. This is important because nearly all of the recorded incidents exploit either social engineering, but having exploited the social engineering, they then usually rely upon some readily known, well known and easily fixable vulnerabilities within the systems. So then you need to manage your networks and deal with managing privilege.
But one of the critical things that used to be important because systems were unreliable and has now become important because of the threat posed by cyber crime, is data protection and data backup and data protection. And data backup is a fundamental enabler to being able to respond to incidents when they occur. And the very level of threat is such that is no longer a question of if you will be a type, it is a question of when and whether or not you are able to respond. So it's interesting to look at what in fact we can see in the way of how organizations are really responding to all of this.
Now, what does resilience mean? It's, it's interesting that there was a time when resilience was measured in terms of whether you could move to another office, whether you could move your services to another data center. But in today's software defined data defined services, everything is data. And without data, you are dead. Your business is dead. So the services depend upon the business data for you to be able to do something, but the services themselves are delivered through this complex interdependent network of services, which are themselves software defined.
And these services themselves need to to be able to be replicated and the services themselves are all virtualized and hence are being defined by data. So if you lose the data, you lose the service.
And that is one of the fundamental transformations that has made today's digital transformation possible because in the past, if you wanted to create a new application, you had to wait for ages to buy hardware to commission the hardware to and so on.
Now, you can get this through virtualization and cloud services, but all of the service that you are running depends upon this data that defines the software structure of the infrastructure. Now, when you look at where we are in practice, in fact once again this is an interesting survey because it comes from the UK National Cyber Security Center and they aren't pushing any products. They simply want to make the uk the the, the UK people, they, they want to make the UK or I IT organizations more resilient.
So whilst nearly everybody has things like identity and access management, malware protection, patch management, and privilege management, only just over half of the people of the organization surveyed have data protection and data backup. And less than 20% have a properly tested planning and incident response. And this is a major problem when you are hit because if as one of our, one of our speakers at a recent event said that the first time they had the ransomware, it took them 18 weeks to recover from it. The second time it took a lot less.
It was measured in days rather than weeks, but still severe.
So in order to do this, there are a number of different things and, and certainly you need to have procedures, you need to have organizational structures, you need to have all of this in place, but this has got to be supported by some kind of solution.
And so when you look at the market for solutions, which is what we have done, KuppingerCole has analyzed this market in terms of the organizational requirements that we think are needed and how these are met, then you will see that the first thing is that there is a need for backup and disaster recovery that covers all of the different delivery models. It's no longer sufficient to be able to say you can only cover on premises.
And nor nor is it simple enough to say that you can cover infrastructure as a service because the dependence now on an ever increasing range of software as a service means that losing the data in those systems can have a very severe impact that you then need to be able to have some kind of choice over where the protected data is held.
That again, we've moved from saying that everything's going to be physical. Some organizations still like to have physical appliances, but appliances have become virtual and these can be installed either on your own hardware or or in cloud services.
Cloud services have opened up a new opportunity to secure your data with, in, in a, a resilient multi geographical place, but also have caused other challenges. And then there is the question of whether or not this data backup and resilience actually helps you to recover. Does it simply provide you with the ability to do it yourself? Do you have some kind of automated service, A D R A SS and disaster recovery as a service or is there a complete white glove service?
Now, what we've been talking about here primarily has been to do with ransomware. And so ransomware is not new and the ways in which the earliest versions of ransomware are still working, still part of the process, the tools, the techniques and the procedures used by the cyber criminals because they know you might have a backup, they know you have a backup process.
So what they're going to do to start with is to see if they can interfere with that process. So it is not sufficient to simply protect your data, but you also have to protect the processes as well as removing malware that's in it.
And so protecting the data has become moved from simply having air gaps through things like object locks and in in, in data integrity checking. And you have to absolutely realize that your backup not only is your backup data under threat, but so are the processes. So how are you going to protect those processes from being interfered with or being exploited by the, by the, the, the cyber criminals.
So, and removing malware is an obvious thing that you need to remove malware every opportunity so that you don't embed it into your backups. And if it does get introduced somewhere, rather it's removed before you get back.
So the data that you've is protected needs even more security than your data in use because it's now all together in a single place. And so this means that you really have to make sure that it all transfers, it unsecurely that it is stored in a properly encrypted and protected place, that you have proper control, strong control over administrative access.
So for the reasons that we described before, it's too large a problem to do as a single lump. So you have to be able to delegate securely these backup processes and you'll almost certainly need to be able to prove to your auditors about what you are doing to ensure your backup. Certainly in all of the, all, all of the regulated industries and increasingly through privacy leg legislation, you need to be able to do this.
And that leads on to the question of certification that gives you an assurance that the services that you are using are in fact adequately secured and compliant with what your needs.
And so you need to include protection for all of these different environments, say one stop shop, which not only covers on premises and all of the different kinds of environments in there, but also the infrastructure as a service across all of the different multiple clouds. And as I said earlier on, increasingly the problems of the data that you hold in the software as a service.
And it is, there are many examples of people who believed that the software as a service provided 100% resilience and largely speaking, they don't. They allow you to delete your own data. So a rogue administrator or a mistake can in fact wipe your business critical data. And then finally, you need to be able to recover and you need to be able to recover when it, when you need it and as quickly as you need to.
And if you are going to use services for this, then you want those services to provide you with guarantees of things like recovery points, recovery time, and have service level agreements that do this.
You also want to look for techniques that are now readily available to minimize the time.
You know, if you now have a terabyte of data saying that you can transfer this even over a very fast network is going to take a long time. So there are techniques that are now available that effectively allow you to mount your service somewhere else to continue it on that. One of the big issues is synchronization that taking different snapshots of different components of a service at different times when you put it together, it no no longer fits together. So you need to be able to bring it all back together at a given point in time or a way of doing this.
And it's no longer, it's no longer sufficient to say, Well, I can just restore the data you need to be able to restore the whole stack.
And then if you are having a service, you need to be able to look for certification. So in summary, secure and resilient digital transformation is something that has magnified the cyber risks. The more that you are dependent upon your IT services, the more important resilience becomes to those services.
And so cyber resilience has become a fundamental requirement for digital transformation that since IT services are now largely speaking data defined, it's no longer sufficient to simply recover the obvious business data you need to be able to recover the relevant structure. And what you are looking for is a one stop shop. So what's going to happen now is in a moment we're going to go over to Gloria Malachi, but I'd now like you to fill in and also poll.
And so I'm going to, if I'm doing the right thing, So it would be helpful if you could tell us how you would best describe your hybrid multi-cloud environment. Is it mainly based on a cloud services from a single cloud service provider or are you using cloud services from multiple providers? Do you have a balance of cloud and non-cloud or do you have services that are mainly delivered from the cloud?
So we'll give you a moment or two to respond to that questionnaire. So thank you for taking the time. I can see that people are responding. So that has now closed.
So now I'm going to introduce Mr. Flo and Malaki, who is going to provide RV's digital resilience platform.
All right, thank you very much, Mike. Some as always, very insightful information and data and advices and and I do hope that the audience on the line today, I'm sure they're learning a lot of useful information.
So, so as a transition guys, and I hope you can see my screen mic correct? Well, I would assume that you can see,
You have to share your screen. We are not able to see your presentation right now.
It is sharing, I don't know. And own Are we good? I think
We good.
Well, well I can see your screen,
Yes. Perfect. It's working. Thank you.
Great. Thank you for confirming.
So yeah, and thanks for the introduction that you're on, Mike. So I'm Florian from Mark Serve and I'm the ceo. So obviously, you know, as we, as we heard from Mike before, you know, as a society we are becoming more and more digitalized. So as a result, obviously we are producing more and more data and you know, depending on what you're looking at, we are looking at, you know, 200 zetabytes of data by 2025, another, which, you know, 80 to 90%. And that's very important is actually or will be instructured data.
So that means that you know, organizations regardless of the size, you know, small, medium, large, whether from the private sector or the public sector, you know, we actually witnessing a, a phenomenal, you know, growth in terms of the amount of data we that we are producing, being unstructured data, structured data, and obviously backup data.
And, and as a result, you know, as Mike said, you know, data is probably, you know, has a lot of value and, and it's ever increasing, especially with the growth of machine learnings and artificial intelligence and so, so forth.
I mean, the data is fueling a lot of decisions that, you know, you as a business have to take. And where there is value, obviously where there is money, there's always the, and you know, as we've heard earlier on, you know, that as a result of, you know, the ever growing amount of data that we are producing as a result of our digitization efforts, we are increasing the overall attack or phase.
So again, you know, it's predicted by 20 20 41 that the, that the amount of, of, of data, sorry, of, of ransomware attacks will reach about two 35 billion or euros. So that's a lot of money.
And, and as we know, unfortunately still many businesses despite, and that's very important despite all of the prevention measures, all of the, you know, prevention, IT security solution that you guys have deployed and you obviously must deploy still, you know, companies regardless of the size are getting compromised. So, you know, we have to resolve the, the, the equation of the challenge of, you know, there's more data to secure, more data to manage and therefore more data to protect and that's not gonna stop.
So obviously the idea here is not to kind of paint a very dark picture to say, oh god, you know, the word is for you. No, no, no. There's lot of benefits, however, as always with many benefits come, some obviously, you know, negative angle that needs to be covered.
And, and as we see, you know, that, that obviously can be done.
And, and one of the things as well, I mean, that needs to be taken into account.
I mean, obviously today, you know, rent somewhere is the number one challenge and worry for many IT decision makers or IT security, you know, managers and directors and and professionals. But however, you know, it's important to keep in mind as well that it's not about or in somewhere it could be a man employee who, you know, who for whatever reason decided to delete a lot of data.
And unfortunately this happens, hardware failures, you know, we always speak about rent somewhere, but you know, a lot of causes of, you know, potential data loss or data being compromised are about hardware failures or when we are, or you guys are upgrading some hardware or, or, or software that happens a lot. Data corruptions, you know, when we migrate or you know, merge, you know, databases or you know, obviously today thinking about your CRM systems, whoever you might be using, you are emerging with a different business.
You're acquiring another business moving from one system to another one. So there's a migration path or a migration activity happening and things, things can go wrong and, and obviously not to disasters, not to be forgotten. So obviously Rensselaer is still, you know, a number one priority and number one challenge that we have to solve together to make sure that, you know, your data is resilient, therefore, you know, you can, you know, bring the business back and running without any too many downtime.
But there is, there's other disasters or potential incident that we still need to keep, you know, on the map to make sure that should they happen, first of all, we are ready, we can recover the data as quickly as possible and the systems as we heard before, and then, you know, make sure that the business keeps, keeps running.
And you know, when you speak about ransomware, and obviously we know that's still a major challenge for, for many, many organizations, well, the, the reality is, you know, there's no super bullet, you know, it's has to be, as we seen before from Mike, you know, strategy, you different things that needs to happen all together.
So then, you know, you can minimize the impact or, or minimize any potential attacks or neutralize via attacks.
These attacks, however, should something wrong happen and an attack being successful, you know, you need to be able to basically recover the data, recover the systems and, and get back on track as as soon as as possible. So there is obviously the cybersecurity element, we've been speaking about it.
That's where actually over the last, you know, two decades to the last 20 years or so many organization, you know, have been focusing on cybersecurity and know the antivirus next generation a these days, you know, XDR and ADR and next generation firewall and idtt and excess management ed account users, which is very good. That needs to be done.
However, as we, we heard from Mike a bit earlier on, is we need to find the right balance because unfortunately, despite all of the prevention solutions and measures and strategy that businesses have put in place over the last couple of years, unfortunately, you know, malware or rent somewhere or malicious attacks are still getting through.
So that means that as a second pillar of a, you know, rent somewhere strategy or you know, rent somewhere prevention strategy to ensure that you further strengthen your overall data resiliency, all about orchestrated recovery.
So from secure backup and disaster recovery solution, implementing the free two 11, you know, backup strategy, the last one being inable storage will definitely help your organization to minimize, to potentially minimize obviously air and some attack or if, or any of the type of disasters as we've seen, as we've seen before. And what do you think that is very important, our processes, you know, and training, training your employees around cybersecurity risks, testing your disaster recovery exercise.
You know, you don't want to test your backup and recovery solutions and implementation for the first time when you've been hit by a rent somewhere. So I might be stating the obvious here, but we actually ran a, a global survey in the last six months and still many organizations are not testing their recovery capabilities.
So the question I would have is, what do you even bother backing up if you can't even test your, your recovery capabilities? Back up is one thing, recovery is another one.
And unfortunately, if you look at the Palermo municipality incident, so palomo is basically, it was in the press, I don't want, you know, see they went for pretty tough time. They were doing backups, they were doing backups, they were using RP and another vendor and you know, they were not able to recover some of the backups actually from the other vendor because it was on the server that got compromised by the ring somewhere. So as I said earlier, you know, backing up is one thing, the ability to recover isn't enough thing.
And unfortunately in their, in their situation, you know, the, the backup data that was stolen on the server on the network got compromised.
Mostly you can read the news just to let you know they were able to recover the data that actually, you know, stored on tapes, you know, so when we speak about aap, you know, there's definitely physical aap, so the tape mostly were outside the network and that's where, you know, the, the solution held them recovering data that was actually stored on tape.
But that's just to illustrate the importance of testing the recovery capabilities and multifactor authentication, obviously, which is very important. And obviously we'll, you know, make sure that only the right users have access to the right data in most cases as well.
Anyhow, so all of these to say that, you know, one, you know, there is no one, you know, good approved solutions that's gonna pop up from the box and then, you know, deliver, you know, you know, rent somewhere prevention and, and helping you, strengthening your data resilience.
But you know, if you follow this free key pillars between cybersecurity, very important orchestrated recovery and processes, you will be in a very good place as, as we've seen earlier on, right?
And if I move on to, to a, without obviously sync our pre too much, but just to let you know guys, you know, we, we, the company was found in 1983, so quite a lot of experience. We have come 50,000 for small customers across the world and so and so forth.
So we, we have experience in in the backup recovery and, and and storage area.
However, what's more important to you is, you know, and again, if you think about the, you know, the free key pillars in terms of, you know, strengthening your overall data resilience and, and protect yourself from, from ransomware and, and you find it here as well, you know, it's when you look at, you know, the AER Unified data resilience platform or approach in terms of what we offer to our, to our, you know, customers or partners to not only to protect the data, but to provide them with the ability, as we've seen, to recover the data.
It's, it's very simple. So both prevent and recover.
So in the prevent you might say, well, floria you, what do you mean by prevent, you know, your backup and recovery vendor, you know, what is, you know, what, you know, do you actually offer cybersecurity? But the answer, yes, I mean we, you know, we, we Soho we leverage their inter intercept X advanced, you know, server agents. So that means that we are protecting the backup data from any potential mans software or malwares being, could be written somewhere or something else from the backup data.
Obviously there's stage number one and that is supplementing what you have, you know, from Nike security deployment, whether on premise or, or or in the cloud on the servers on the desktop and so and so forth. Yeah.
So that's, I'm not saying we replace your next generation five deployments, your CASB type solutions or anti-virus solutions, not at all.
It's a second layer of protection if you like to protect the, the backup, the backup data. And secondly, protect. I mean obviously it's all about backing things up, whether it's virtual servers, physical servers in the cloud or more and morely size based applications.
And again, you know, that's something my minded Highline, you know, we have more and more of a hybrid approach to, to work with remote work or hybrid working. And many organizations, especially as a result of the, you know, the pandemic, you know, mobile working is nothing new.
What we've seen in the last two years is, you know, we had to accelerate, you know, the adoption of remote working and, and obviously Microsoft 365 will Google workspace have some fantastic solutions to, you know, make that transition from, you know, homebased workers, sorry, home based workers from office based workers to home based workers and remote workers with their products.
And it's great, however, just to let you know, you know, ran some clouds, you know, targets, specific targets, you know, these applications.
So even though you might be using the services at the end of the day, you know, it's your data, yes, they provide some, some level of security, but in terms of, you know, protecting the data, backing up the data, the, the responsibility is on, on the customer. That means whoever is using and working with 365 or G or Google workspace, you know, backing the data is your responsibility. Okay? Then the last pillar recover, as we said, you know, the ability to back things back data is great.
However, more importantly, you know, the ability to recover and meet your recovery point, your rpo, your r recovery time objective or your recovery point of objective, again is very, you know, from one organization to another one depending on your requirements, depending on the nature of your business.
However, that's very, very important indeed. So these are the three key pillars I would say if you look at the overall AO unified data resilience platform.
And, and in a more, I would say, you know, practical way, well what does that mean? Well, actually it means that, you know, depending on what you currently have on your network from security or sorry, within your organization, you know, from network security, endpoint security management and so, so forth, and probably already an existing, you know, backup and recovery vendor being server something, someone else.
And I do hope that you do it, you know, RP does offer, we do offer a true end to end solution to our users and, and again, in a very non-destructive manner because you know, as you obviously evolve innovation as you, you know, strengthen your overall data s with various solution that you might have been acquired and deployed over the years, you know, they, they, they would be gaps, you know, and it's always, you know, a constant need to, you know, assess and all the what has, what is been in place to make sure that you can obviously minimize, you know, any, any potential risks from cyber point of view, from a doctor point of view.
And that's where, you know, a can can help you. So whether, again, you know, depending on, on the customer requirements, whether they prefer a software approach to backup and recovery or hardware, you know, again, you know, if you look at the 3, 2 11, you know, backup and recovery strategy, obviously we can support and it's very advised to be able to support multiple backup destinations on premise in the cloud or, you know, multiple or some of your DR sites as an example, you know, they're important. Protecting your backup data, as I said, important and that's happening with sos.
And then again, just to be clear, you know, we're not saying, hey, terminate and disable your endpoint antivirus, whatever products you might be using on your laptops or on your server. No, this is just, this is complimentary to what you have and it's to make sure that we protect the, the, our own backup data and you know, Mable copy as well.
So storing the backup data on an IMT storage and Mike mention it, whether it's home or in the cloud with types solution.
What, I'm gonna pause here for one, for a few think this is probably, you know, one of the most important requirements that, you know, we see from, you know, our existing customers or organization that we are talking to in table storage. Many customers are coming to us now and say, yes, you know, I do have, you know, a backup and recovery solutions, you guys, I know you do it, but you know what, I'm happy with my existing vendor, no problem.
However, they're looking for a storage solution. And some of them even refer to an acquire, like the term, a near table digital vault of for the backup data. Because one of the thing that has happened over the last couple of years is, you know, the hackers know that, you know, your backup data is probably your most valuable data that you have within the organization.
So they've been very clearly targeting nest storage solutions and that hurts, or the servers on which the backup data has been stored.
Again, guys go and check the Palomo University municipality, you know, bridge, it's, it's, you know, in the, in the news and, and storage is becoming, I would say the number one solutions to really allow customers to recover the data. Obviously you have to back up, don't get me wrong, but then Mable storage, whether on premise or using cloud providers will definitely allow you to recover the data that has been mostly stored on these storage type solutions.
And, and it's what we, what we would refer to, you know, digital air gaps, right? Obviously guys, you know, funny enough as well, over the last year or so over the last two years, we've seen customers not only, you know, storing the data, the backup data on I storage solutions like the one we have, but as well sending a copy of their backup data onto tapes.
And the tapes obviously, as you know, is upside in, in the physical vaults and then, you know, not connecting to the network.
So more and more we seeing organization are going back to things to say, still using you knowable storage solution on premise because it recover is much faster. However, as a probably a third layer of insurance, if you like sending the, you know, backup data on tapes and obviously, you know, our are support paid backup as well as, you know, not, don't know. But you know, that's, that's something that we, we do offer as part of our solution.
And, and obviously, you know, backup as a service and they rather service not many organization, you know, some might not have, you know, secondary data centers for you like the vendor to offer that kinda capabilities. We have our own data centers and that's something we offer.
And then just to finish again, you know, and, and some of these, you know, can be used independently of what you might already have.
So as an example, you might be using, you know, vendor X for your backup and recovery, however you would like to add Im table storage on premise to further secure your, your data to further increase your overall data resilience where you can simply, simply drop. So to say, you know, one of our, you know, I table storage products onto your network and it's, you know, it's an SM support s face, so it's a NA box, you know, quite simply. So that means it's compatible with any other backup vendors that you might be using.
Same with SA applications, you know, securing your 365 backing on your 365 data, your Google workspace dynamics, you are as ready, very important, or, or se.com should you be using salesforce.com.
Again, if your existing incumbent might not be providing what you need, you can still keep them for your, you know, tool machines or physical machines and then leverage what you know, the, the solution. So it's really a, a building block approach with obviously the lowest total cost of ownership in mind to future improve your investments, right?
And as I said, you know, you can choose the brick that you need and you can improve on your network in conjunction with an existing incumbent solution. So it's, it's very from, you know, it's, it's, it's not disruptive so to say, okay. And it will help you further strengthening your overall data security data and resilience.
And, and you might say, okay, that's all sounds great, but you know, do you really, we have customers and you know, obviously, you know, they've got two case study for you guys just to kind of highlight, you know, what we've been saying and probably there's nothing new to you here, but in that case and whether it's, you know, the backup data from, you know, a of UDP or another vendor, to be honest, doesn't matter here is it's a school, you know, about thousand users altogether between employees and students.
And, and really it's a, their goal is, was really to offer and to deploy again this immutable storage and face save reliability of the data. Cause we all know that, you know, backup data is your last line of things. Should you get compromised by rent somewhere or you know, should you be big team of how do I fail failure, whatever it might be, right?
And in, in, in the network, you know, this school based actually in Australia, you know, they, they've kind of put together, bring together what I showed you earlier, you know, the UDP software together with our storage. It could have been they have another vendor for backup and recovery. They could have still used our storage solution. Ok. And then the second one, actually it's, it's, it's closer to us depending on where you see, but it's actually a, a German manufacturer, German organization.
You know, they actually, it's very interesting, you know, they, you know, if you go on holidays and stuff, you know, check the, the RV's bread, I mean, you know, Concord is, you know, the, the portion of of RVs happens to be a European German manufacturer. They are bought three 50 employees and, and again here obviously they, they back up the data with one our solution.
And, and, and very importantly, and we tell you why, you know, they had to have a, again, a long term kind or type products that is cost effective, but that would, that would protect the data against somewhere. And then they have the multiple sites, as you can imagine being in the manufacturing space. And then these different inable storage appliance are taking, they're replicating the data one to another and the requirements there, in addition obviously to securing, you know, their, the backup data from any mostly type of disasters including rent somewhere.
Because the benefit of inable storage, I should have said that earlier, is should you be victim of rent somewhere, the data is immune to the rain somewhere. So that means you can recover 100% of your data that is stolen on that solutions.
And here, obviously being in the RV manufacturer, the study in the ATS or 45 years ago, that was 40 years ago now, and being a premium brand for RVs or motor homes, you know, they keep the, all the drawings from the first model that was launched in 1980 up until now.
And if, and that was really interesting, you know, discussing with the, with your colleague there, the it, the it directories, if one of the customers who had a 30 years old RV had to replace a part that they no longer manufacture, obviously because, you know, models have evolved, they would go back to the drawings of the and manufacturers for that customer that part.
Now the only way to do that is to be able to access obviously the original drawings.
And, and that's why they as well, you know, using the, the one say storage solutions, you know, to store their, you know, 40 years old, you know, CAD drawings to serve the business. Anyhow, that's, I think that's really interesting cause it, you know, it's not only about backup and recovery and protection somewhere, but as well, you know, that was driven by the business requirements to be able to serve the customers being a luxury motor home manufacturer, right?
So, so again, it bring into real life, you know, the, you know, the need for this digital immutable role that is on premise, obviously you can leverage, you know, car providers that we offer imitable storage or, or you can even triple that data security if you like, by leveraging obviously tape backup, right?
So obviously we've seen over the last couple of years customers, you know, going away from tape and bringing to book or disks unable storage like mon save.
However, I said, you know, since the pandemic we've seen organization still keeping their, you know, OnPrem digital storage solutions, but replicating the data to tape as well. Anyhow, so, you know, to finish, you know, if some of you might not be too familiar with, with rp, you know, we have backup and recovery products, you know, from, from my service providers, you know, to mid to SMBs, mid enterprise, enterprise type of, of of organizations. We have multiple products mainly around backup and recovery, disaster recovery and inable storage.
And very importantly as well, you know, SA application, which is super critical to back up. So that's what I had for you guys in a nutshell, highlighting and bringing to live what you know, Mike and I have been saying for the last 50 minutes or so.
So Mike, welcome back to you.
Okay, thank you very much Florian, thank you very much for, for that. So we've now got one further poll. Please would you fill in this poll to, which asks you how you would best describe the data resilience solutions that you use. Do you have multiple backup solutions for different systems and environments? Do you have a single backup solution which covers all your systems and environments? Do your backup solutions cover disaster and recovery self service, or do they have manage recovery services or do you have a single complete resilient solution?
And so will give you a moment or two because people are still voting.
I don't see any change. Any anybody else voting please vote. Now I'm going to close the poll in one moment. Okay? So I'm just going to show you the results of, of that, that most of you have a single backup solution. Most. The next highest is you have multiple solutions and very few of you have any kind of solution which includes some kind of backup and recovery.
So I'm going to now re return to this and if I show my screen, we have just a minute left for, for us to have a final, well, we don't really have time for, for, for questions. But Florian, do you want to show your screen again? There we are. So let's just say this, that if, if we had, if you had one piece of advice Florian to the participants about data backup and data resilience, what would that be?
Yeah, I would say, Mike, I mean it's is, as I said, you know, it's really trying to stick as much as possible to the free two 11 strategy. And, and that will definitely help, you know, customers increasing, strengthening the data resilience and be able to recover the data should, should, you know, they be victim of, of any type of, of incident. And as well rebalance the focus and your investment between, you know, prevention measures and backup and recovery. And if you have a, so then it's well balance.
Cause we tend to invest a lot in the prevention measure then so should you, and I'm never gonna go against that. However, you know, please do pay attention to your backup and, and your recovery capabilities.
Yeah. So pay attention to both backup and recovery. So with that, I'm going to say thank you much Florian, and thank you very much to the participants for, for joining us. And don't forget there's lots more interesting webinars coming up. Check out the website. So thank you everybody, and please have a good rest of the day. Bye bye. Thank
You Mike. And you too. Thank you. Bye bye guys.
Thank you.