KuppingerCole Webinar recording
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KuppingerCole Webinar recording
KuppingerCole Webinar recording
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our webinar. Secure mobile information, sharing, addressing enterprise mobility challenges and open connected business. This webinar is supported by mobility lab, mobile Sputnik. The speakers today are me marking Ko, I'm founder and principal Analyst call and Sarah AK. Who's managing director at mobility lab, LLC. Before we dive into the topic of today, I just wanna give you some quick information could be cold. We are an Analyst company providing enterprise it research advice for services, decisions.
Porwal networking for it, professionals through our research services. So all the research, including leadership compasses, where we compare various vendors in specific market segments through our advisory services and through our events, our main event is European identity and cloud conference, which will be held next time May 5th to eight in Munich. So it's a must at handy event. You shouldn't miss this event regarding the webinar. Some guidelines you are muted centrally. You don't have to mute or unmute yourself. We are controlling these features.
We will record the webinar and the podcast recording will be available tomorrow. And the Q and a session will be at the end, but you can questions at any time using the go to webinar control panel, which usually is the right side of your screen. There's an area questions of writing or whatever, depending on language, where you can enter questions, ideally you the questions once they come to your mind so that we have a long list of questions. When we start the Q and a session, let's have a look at the agenda. The agenda as usual is split into three parts.
The first part, I will talk about the current state of the secure information sharing market, looking at some advantages and advantages and disadvantages of various approaches. And I was also look at the limits of applicability of various approaches. I also will have some look at what does secure information sharing mean for the mobile enterprise, and then se will take over. He will describe in detail specific challenges that organizations as large mobile workforces are facing when they want to securely share information and present the solution of mobility lab.
So mobile, which addresses these challenges. So this is what we'll do in this webinar. And the third part, we'll do a Q and a session and that's so let's start. And the first slide, some of you might have seen this before in some of our other webinars. It's what we call the computing Troy. So the use code of information security, where we have three evolutions, which have a massive impact and massive list during control, what is happening and information security and, and it overall. So there's cloud computing. We have far bigger number of deployment models.
There's social computings computing with far more far bigger user population. So it's not only the internal user or the business part anymore. It's about customers, leads, prospects and so on. And we have mobile computing. So instead of just looking at desktop systems and maybe some other types of computers, there are tablets, smartphones, and so on.
And the challenge we are really facing here is that we, when we look at it from an information security perspective, that we don't have this situation anymore, where information resides on our servers on premise where only our employees access this information and where they use systems provided by the internal it department. Instead of that, the information might reside somewhere in the cloud. They might be different types of users accessing that information, and they might use a variety of different devices and this will not change anymore. So we will see more devices.
We will see more shift towards cloud computing, and we are clearly facing a situation where organizations are increasingly open and connected. And the landscape information security is fundamental different challenges. We need to find ways to protect information at any time, regardless, whether they reside regardless to access this information, regardless of the device and by trust, securing a device, we don't solve the problem.
We have to understand the relationship between information security and secure information, sharing, enabling organizations to do that in a secure way, on a variety of devices. So before we look at how to do it, technically, I want you to start with looking at what are the business challenges behind this evolution. So when we look at business challenges, we have some occasional challenges such as economic turmoil. We have the challenge of changing regulations, which is maybe not occasional anymore because we have sort of ever tighter regulations.
We are facing, we have these permanent challenges of globalization, of changing and bigger and, and more competitive landscape and really organizations have to grow. So we are competing in a, in a different way than we did maybe before more competitors from various countries. And so on. Then there are some other challenges such as the need to increase earnings, the growth, not only revenue growth, also the growth of that income, et cetera. And it's the hand for talent, the many areas, it's not that easy to find the right people.
And this is another area where, where we have to, where we are challenged in organizations today. So what are the success factors to deal with these challenges? There's the need for agility, for rapid adaptation to when we are in situations of economic turmoil, particularly, but also for other types of changes or there's the requirement of compliance, which is not something which is here to stay.
We have these prominent requirements of our extended enterprise when we are competing in a, in a global landscape that we need to open up our organization for new types of partnerships, for instance, to sell another countries, etcetera, we need to be at trials for growth is based also an agility to reinvent the organization, et cetera. And innovation basically is one of these requirements, which is also a consequence of the challenges organizations are facing. And clearly there's also the need to do this in a cost effective way to save cost wherever possible and particular.
When we look for, for new talent, we also need to rethink how do we collaborate and communicate, but this is also product for the extended enterprise, etcetera. And when we look at these success factors, a number of these are very tightly related to the need for secure information sharing. So when we want to extend our enterprise, when we want to work with other types for audiences, then we need to be able to secure information when they're sharing that information.
So we, we, we want to have a situation where this information leaks in our competitors gain, access our intellectual properties. When we are looking for agility for crows. When we look at new types of partnerships, new types of R D etcetera, and it's about secure information sharing, the same was true for, for innovation and all the collaboration communication. Clearly that's about how can we securely collaborate, communicate, how can we protect our information in that world?
And this is really challenged by the fact that we are dealing with different parties, different organizations, different types of people, but also using different types of devices, different deploy Mo models, etcetera. And this is the challenge we are facing. And so the big question is which technologies will allow us to protect information, always address and move and use. So how can we keep information really protected?
So, so just hindering someone to send a file as an email attachment, doesn't solve anything. He might put it on the stick, just protecting the file transfer. Doesn't really help because we don't still don't have control about what the recipient does with the file he has received protecting our servers. And this is sort of the standard approach and information security. So we protect our service. Our systems doesn't really help when people can do something different, what work can do, whatever they want with the data they have downloaded.
So once a file leaves our file server, it's out of control of the file server security mechanism. So we need to find ways which help us protecting information addressed and move and use. There's a number of terms around that. So there's this overarching term of secure information sharing, which describes all types of technologies that enable securely sharing information with and beyond the enterprise.
There's a digital rights management, which is a quite old type of technologies, commonly used for the protection of videos and music enterprise, right rights management place into it, similar to used to information, rights management. So how to protect shared documents throughout their entire life cycle, which is in fact one approach to do it and rights in that case, man, sense of access, right, or entitlement, or right to use the letter particular for rights management. So we have a number of terms.
You have a number of technologies, and there are more technologies such as secure file trans therapists, cetera, cetera. I will have a look at these. And the question is what is the right choice? There's not a simple answer on that because the ideal technology might be too complex to cumbersome in some areas. Whereas other types of technologies might be, how should I say less efficient for the use cases?
So when we look at the core technology of rights management, then it's about using a document, encrypting it as a key attaching access controls and having an application, which enforces that these access controls are enforced when using the documents or application decrypts and it enforces the access controls. So this is sort of the ideal. So usually at least when we look at document sharing, however, there are limitations it's sometimes quite complex. It's not ideally supported in many areas of mobile devices, etcetera.
So things are changing clearly, but still it's not that single technology might fit every purpose. And it might be just also too complex to implement when you have an urgent need, for instance, for secure sharing information on mobile devices. So there's a number of approaches. And I don't say that this list is complete, but it shows that there are few approaches that truly support security addressed in motion and, and use. So if you look at a secured file transfer, it's about securing information in motion, but not addressed, not in use.
If you look at a standard security of file servers, it's addressed, but not in motion and not in use industry collaborations, usually focus on address and in motion, sometimes they might be combined with information rights management, secure email helps you protecting information in motion and to some decree at rest. But again, it doesn't hinder someone copying content of an email forwarding emails or other things, data leakage, preventions, which is common approach is very limited and scopes. So that really doesn't solve the problem.
So we have a number of approaches and none of these approaches is, is a hundred percent perfect. So from a security address in motion use approach, information, rights management looks best, but it's also on the other hand, probably the most complex approach within that. And then we also have to look at the relationship of secure information sharing on one hand and enterprise mobility on the other hand.
So when we look at the security aspect, then clearly the ideas we should encrypt, we should, should have a strong, a indication we should enforce access controls to controlling who is doing what allowed to do what and who's doing, what was, which type of information, which particular document on the other end, we have this challenges, which we see in the enterprise mobility world, which is particular around flexibility. So flexibility in the sense of usability, the user wants to work in a way that is familiar to him that is convenient to him.
So if someone says, I use the tablet of whatever type and I'm used to that user experience, then he wants to have something which works in an adequate way for that type device. That's not easy to solve even for a particular combination of device ands version. But if you look at a number OFS, which are out there, if you look at the device for all, particularly where we see again and again, new devices entering the market, then it's very clear that it's not that easy to provide a solution which works in a, in a quite flexible and, and good and convenient way across a number of devices.
And so when we look at mobile secure information sharing and the functionality, so some of these aspects we, we have to look at is how can someone access that information, particularly if you want to share information between your employees, how to access corporate information, whether it's resides or SharePoint, whether it's resides on file service, how do you provide the access at all? How do you open up these documents? Just kinda be quite cumbersome if you look at standard functionality of mobile devices. So we need something which makes this far easier to use.
If you look at secure email, we have to look at to find a convenient way. I don't think it must be the standard mail up for. So I think as long as it's easy to use, people are quite willing to use a specific type of app for accessing their corporate email, but it must be simple. It must be convenient. It must be the adequate solution for the user requirements regarding flexibility regarding usability. We need to look at flexible authentication as well. So get another username password. That's not the ideal solution. So how can we authenticate what does work for a particular type of device?
And then we end up with situations where the one device does not support NFC yet. What other devices already have their need full communication support in?
And so on, we will find, or one order has a fingerprint reader, whether it works well or not. That's another question. So we see a variety of devices. We see new standards such as the PHY Alliance stuff popping up, and there's a pretty heterogeneous environment we have to cover.
And this is the world where we have to, to, to find solutions on securely sharing information on that might be sort of the, the big approach or saying we provide, solve all these information sharing approaches, or we say, how can we tradit safe information or we, how can we secure information on at least our mobile devices? Because we feel that we have the other devices maybe quite well under control. So when I go back to this picture from the beginning, what is from our perspective, very important is to focus, not on a particular problem here. So how do I deal with cloud security?
How do I deal with mobile device management? How do I deal with whatever integrating Facebook logins, but what, where we should focus on is how do we deal with information in future? So if we know how to protect information, and if you can protect information well, that should help us for mobile computing. It should help us for information in the cloud for information access by new types of users.
That should be our, our starting point, but there might be situations where we say, okay, we, we focus on a part of it because the solving the big problem in sort of in a, in a single step might be too much and then particular there. And it's one element within such a strategy as well. We need to find ways where we can securely support our mobile information security, but not our device, but our information security. I think this is the important one, and this is the strategic aspect.
So in the second part of this webinar, and I will hand over now to Sergi Sergi will talk about how to do this in a concrete example, based on their own software. And, but also focusing on business challenges, writing a lot of information around it. I will hand over now to Serge and Serge. It's your turn. Thank you much. And pleasure, gentlemen, thank you very much for joining today webinar. And of course, the balance between information security and user flexibility is the one or the main topic we have for today. The way of companies buy, build, manage, optimize, and secure information.
Technology is changing dramatically, but on top adoption of technologies that drove goals and smart forms in tablets is opening up new opportunities for business. And this widespread adoption of mobile devices has led to more efficient enterprise workflows. At the same time, we see that consumers spend tons of time using mobile apps that are beautifully and intuitively designed. They're easy to, to, to they easy to share Porwal and some information with brands.
And the idea of consumer technologies is becoming a part of a playbook at Microsoft, apple and Google, or who are defining the modern mobile platforms. And it's interesting that from the consumer world, we see that mobile apps should do just one thing really well. And it's a great way to treat. It's a great way to send email from a standard embedded email client on mobile platform.
However, send from my iPhone is still a valid excuse for put of work and continu doesn't change last such year perception installed by Microsoft office. That real work comes in, filed formats, do discuss work or point or Excel. And that features between different applications where the individuals, but at the heart of the productivity software, our workflows that are set up was a good of a team and collaboration as well as workflow are driving information technology in automating business.
And the next generation of mobile applications have to reinvent and automate processes across the enterprise. And this is the main idea that was at the root of our mobility lab, which is independent software vendor of integrated mobile police solution. We have found that more than three years ago, the umbrella of Obama's oldest and leading system integrator in Russia, and within previous experience, more than 20 years in for our leadership team and architect team, we understand what are the drivers for the ERs. And we understand how much flexibility or inflexibility there is in ERs.
And we understand that today enterprise mobility technology requires to be a part of big ecosystem. And for today enterprise mobility, in terms of security, in terms of enterprise adoption and business to employees for flaws, there are some leaders and we are technology partner and a part of this ecosystems like good technology or IBM Symantec or Citrix. And for today with more than year from the first release of our solution, we have more than 50 production and pilot deployments in the biggest enterprises in our county in different segments.
And now the reason new release, which is upcoming in January, we are exchanging our business into internationally, and we have a growing worldwide partner network, which allows to provide for enterprises around the world, what we've done and what is already proved and to understand what is the main drivers for the solution and what are the rules for the features we are providing for it's necessary to identify all parts, all stakeholders in enterprise, and this stakeholders, not just CIO or information security officers, it's about enterprise users and their needs B PC users.
We are familiar with some scenarios. We don't think about switching between within those Explorer or office. We don't spend time to remember how to send email from outlook. It's in our, and at the same time, all of us being employees are consumers, and we love Dropbox one drive. We love Gmail, and we are trying to find out the best way to do our work with an all tools which are available for us. Unfortunately, for today, we, these that initially consumer platforms are not adopted out of the box to be used in enterprises.
And for today, it is that some huge alliances like apple and IBM, Microsoft and Dropbox demonstrate that consumer technologists are already in enterprises and it's necessary to get new solutions to solve the challenges and to meet the user needs because user is a first and from the user perspective, it's necessary from time from anywhere to have access to corporate information, resources, and being consumers users would like to have the same file sync with their work, personal computers, as they have it in mobile devices and the home computers, they would like to organize files remotely because it's necessary to work with tons of information, these gigabytes of resources in SharePoint or windows shared document libraries.
And at the same time, reason, more than 20, 30% out of the stationer word desk, our table within desktop it's necessary work with documents on the could, but you to check what is the main information sharing solution for today, it's not a Dropbox or one drive it's email systems. You can check your inbox or sent items, and you can see that in more than 25% of emails have an attachments. And we are familiar to work these emails and documents in, and unfortunately we have something like that on modern smartphones or the latest iPad, Samsung node and mobile apps. Shouldn't do just one thing.
We need to meet the needs of working this multiple pieces of information. It email or appointment or war document or Excel is in budget. And this scenario is not easy to bring to touch devices. And of course we shouldn't forget about security and bring you device as one of the main trends in the industry even are corporate own personal enabled devices. It's one of the driver, real driver and businesses driver, even users who procure not to read corporate policies about security, but if you are not to mix personal and business information.
And one of the reason for that, it's not just their idea to this compliant in corporate PS. It's about what prayer said about that and what cases we see. Just two examples when we discuss privacy and just check the latest privacy terms on the content we put in Google drive for the mail it's interest, interesting to see that even after we are stopped and of this cloud consumer services, our content will be in the same place and could be shared without our knowledge about that.
At the same time within cloud services, we see that different regional and country regulations are in conflict within industry. And of course, when we discuss separation of duties, in terms of security, as one of the route of information security, it's necessary to keep save the information business information on personal devices when this by policies are enabled in the organization, IM especially not included, one more slide about it, head information security in enterprise. All of you already know about that.
And of course, when we have any data leakage cases, it's necessary to have log files, reason, operations it's necessary to provide out indication and authorization in the proper way. And it's necessary to keep perimeter not to be destroyed and security threats I become and more distributed. And as a result, companies have to think about security at every level of the network, as Mar said before, it's necessary to think, not just in terms of the network, it's necessary to protect, not just borders, but it's necessary to secure data.
And one of the main idea we have today emphasize it by mobile technology is to find out balance for user needs, for user flexibility and it, and information, security requirement and policies. It, there are ideas. What other basis from Anik in contrast with other, let's say enterprise Dropbox solutions, which are just colonial user experience of Dropbox and provide some out in additional out integration and integration engines with active directory, we have tried to rethink the approach for employees and for enterprises, it's not just two different versions.
It's about one solution which should meet the needs of employees and enterprise itself. And we should keep in mind the ability to use different models of using mobile devices. Is it BQ on device or corporate own device at the same time, it's necessary to isolate business information, to separate it in a special container from the personal information of this devices, these keeping the balance between user experience and security. And of course, when we discuss mobility, we provide and support of two main platforms. It's IO and it's Android.
And in terms of security, we are supporting remote wipe and other requirements on top of mobile device management. But the main idea is to provide the next level productivity in the real world scenarios. We have multiple world files, emails, attachments, appointments, and among them every minute after every call. And we are the first who is providing multi screen experience, which allows user to open multiple documents, multiple pieces of information in the same application, and to work with just by swiping between different screens.
From the technology perspective, we have a backend infrastructure and this infrastructure was designed is keeping in mind to support existing landscape. Of course, even for mobility of senior VP of huge corporation, nobody will change the network topology and different teams in future organizations support different pieces of information systems, and it's necessary to have a tight integration within what we have in intranet. And depends on the topology. We need to provide a great way to keep secure data addressed.
And within mobile Porwal we have a special multi component server infrastructure, which allows to distribute different components between intranet segments and Ize zone, and to use only one Porwal out of the corporate network to provide a secure access with SSL from mobile devices, from web browsers, or even PC, if notebook was bringing out by employee to the meeting, we are trying to provide new integration way of such kind of solutions.
When user tried to log in into mobile client application, this user will use the same credentials from the active directory reach is familiar on his work PC. And this integration allow us to work in interation mode.
If you manage the access right properly to shared document libraries or windows shared folders, you are providing different rights for different users or user groups in active directive and mobile Sputnik, automatically laws not to duplicate additional rights, but to work from the user name and to have automatically view or view added access rights, to appropriate information resources. From the consumer side scenarios, we have an analog for Dropbox, which is file and all the information.
This is on premises architecture automatically synchronize the necessary information from working PC on corporate service to provide an access from external web client or mobile client applications. And to be able to sync the information within my PC reason, embedded what is technology, which support editing of word PowerPoint or Excel spreadsheets. We allow to modify documents or locally on mobile device reason, secured container application, and to upload it to mobile Sputnik server with automatic synchronization using work in PC.
And after my flight to another CTA on business trip, I can modify documents and text it to upload to my computer. And just after coming back to the, I will have the modified documents in my folders on my PC. It'll be the same version without duplications. Just one example. When you work these consumer applications, you have a new email in you inbox, you open attach and save it in another application through open in mechanism. If you want to modify it, you should open in other application, is it pages or Polaris or Microsoft word to iPad?
And you have multiple versions of the same document, reasonable Sputnik. We have only one synchronized reason, corporate PC, and it's a highly important approach. And for today, after three years of the development and deployment rate, we have a working solution.
And today I would like to provide you just a short demonstration of upcoming version, where we are broken the limitations of just file synchronization systems within providing integrated mobile workplace, where you could work with files with different resources, like shared resources in your intranet, reason, outlook, like interface for your corporate email, with integrated calendar, where I can work so easy as I have in outlook with multiple screens and ability to open any screen, anytime to show additional information.
If I need for our current discussion, I can easy swipe between just open multiple documents. And it's one of the main approach we are providing reason mobile for enterprise users is next minute, I will mention some cases of deployment for some organizations I will share with you some details. And before that, I would like to show one more thing. When we are in business chief or onsite, it's often necessary to share documents or information between different devices. Is it notebook? Is it smart form or my tablet and reasonable?
We are providing platform firm direct information exchange, secure information exchange, for example, just now I am sharing my iPad and on the table, I have more devices like Android it. And on the Android tablet, I could just start in the broadcast of my screen and I can easily connect to a device to see the screen, even without server side communications. It's the same interface on enjoy it. It's ability to share screens in one to many more between ISO Android and between those PCs it's works through capability, which allows to support meetings in any place, any time in the auto.
And it allows if necessary to share information between different devices, even if you have no access right now to your corporate network. And of course being enough mobile, we are providing the same capabilities on smartphones, and you can see the smart screen interface on smartphones as well. And I am able to open different emails, different pieces of information to navigate through and easy, not just share screen, but share the latest updated documents, if needed. For example, right now I can share with the same technologist.
So by, by just in the same network from one device to another, and from my smart form, now I'm sharing the budget, save to my local device, for example, and opening it, open it to work farther. It's a typical scenarios which user wants. And before Nik, it was not able so easy exchange information in a secure way with internet and between different platforms. So we are breaking some walls for pillars.
And I would like to share with you some short business cases we have for today because this international expansion, one of this is one of top five brands in our country where mobile Sputnik is in use on both of platform IO and Android. And this bank was looking for mobile office solution. And one of the main requirement was to not modify the existent infrastructure because infrastructure is very huge. And even in internet, they have five different security segments. We can start the pilot from September and being able to use the existing active directory.
Lots of what is lots of it's about more than half hundred SharePoint document libraries with average size in one and half terabyte in each of information, we were able to deploy on top and as a result of the usage of this presentation technology and direct information sharing this bank has already issued internal order to process meeting in paperless way without painted materials. And it's great to see that daily usage is on all management level, including senior VP of this bank and vision long process of enterprise content.
We see that they want to allow more and more users to work within system. And every month they feel that they ask even in pilot mode to have more and more hundred of users. Another one case now I can name what is a company, the, for one of the biggest world chemistry for, for based company and here as a part of ecosystem for enterprise mobility from the Legman called C, we are using a special edition CX with ES integrated within mobile and just in S this investigations and needs and proposing solutions.
We have productive system which reduce time for managers and sales organizations from half an hour, just to five, 10 minutes in preparation for meetings and review in for them. And it was medical increase of responsiveness of in, out of what the state and sent by iPhone. It's not a disclaimer for them. And they work in around world and available for just in time responsive for any topics or questions we should be done for decision making. And they plan for expanding project to almost all office employees, which are thousands.
One more case it's about company for mining industry, top three in worldwide in their segment. And just in two months, we see that top management of this company approved recommendation to not use printed materials for the meetings in headquarters. And they have already plans on the table for expanding project to the branch and regional offices, because the direct communications and ability to work in one to many world in presentation allows to be productive for top management at the meetings for decision making.
And it's important that from the same application integrated, Workways, it's possible to have an access for any document financial or reporting in, in, and our, we have a proven solution reason, some, I think real excellence in technology and user experience. And for today, we are ready to support, not just familiar PC scenarios, but new scenarios of employees, mobile productivity, and reason equal support of both Android and a use where behind of many players, which supports only iPads for today and try to speed up their development on it.
And of also premises solution is secure enough for bio and corporate own devices. When they say about continuation approach. And I think this our international expertise of working, not just in vendors, but in insurance and financial companies around world, we have a great way to meet the needs you have in your enterprises. Thank you very much, colleagues. Thank you very much, Martin. And I am ready to participate in answering for questions. Okay.
Thank you, Serge. And I trust flip back to my screen. Yeah. So as SP has said, it's time right now for the Q and a session. And while we, while you can answer some questions, you also will, or while you think about questions, we have one short survey where we are interested in your answers on this question. So you might just answer the question right now and then we will move forward and into the Q and a session. So if you have any questions, please enter these questions. Now I might start with one question.
So Alexei, Alexei say Sega given that you, that you already have support for, for windows on the desktop and another environment. Do you also plan, I think it's particularly easy with windows eight, one and later.
Do you, do you have, have plans for us supporting windows phone at some point of time? Thank you much for the question as for the windows form. I think it'll be actual for enterprises after windows 10, because before that, within current windows, it's not across class citizen or for enterprise mobility and Microsoft prove that with an announcement of windows 10, it's a single operating system for all the devices. And of course, with mobile device management solutions, we see another side of inability to control enough the information on this devices.
And I think that we will support windows phones in a time of windows. 10 will have, let's say visible part of mobility market for enterprises. Okay. Another question. So from the solution you provided the focuses on, on premise integration. So a number of organizations currently have a lot of information on including cloud services. So for instance, office 365 and so on, how do you deal with information held in such cloud services? Thanks. And by the way, in mobility lab, we are using this office cloud solutions as well.
And it's interesting that, and it's important that Microsoft is speeding up the integration of cloud enterprise solutions, reason on premises. And just a few days ago in official work, some of Microsoft VPs amongs about Asia active directory integration reason on payments integration. And it will allow to have a smooth integration between cloud exchange reason, for example, SharePoint in internet. And in that context, reason combined hybrid active dietary, we will be ready to provide the same capabilities for such hybrid cloud deployment.
And it's just necessary to get a release of the latest Microsoft technology to support it. And of course, in our research and development roadmap, we have some interesting things including that for the next calendar year. Okay. So we already have the results of this quick poll and a little bit more than 80% answer that they see the federal. It problem was solutions such as Dropbox and only less than 20 percent's answer that they do not that they already see this problem, but they do not consider it being a really challenge for organization.
So in other words, the vast majority, if at hand is sees the need for better or providing a simple solution for their employees to securely share information also for the mobile devices and to provide access to all that type of information. Okay. I think we don't have further questions. So it's time for me to say thank you to all the attendees for listening to this and call webinar and thank you to you, Serge for providing that information, your product. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you.
Okay, Bye.