Just waiting for everyone to find their places. I must say this is a great site to see. So hello and welcome to co Cole's European identity and cloud conference 2022.
So those of you who don't know who I am, I'm Morak Ashford and I'm a member of the Analyst team at co Nicole. And it's a great honor and privilege for me today to be presenting the EIC in this landmark year, because I know as most of you probably know, we're celebrating 15 years, it's our 15th anniversary year.
And it's also the first time that we are having it here in Berlin, which is one of the most dynamic tech capitals in Europe. So that's really great that we are here in this brand new venue, and it's great to see you all here, but it's really important that not only are the people who are here, we're also being joined by hundreds more who are online. So you are all very, very, very welcome. And we want to encourage you to make use of all the various challenges.
There are to take part and to interact because that's what EIC is all about. It's a hallmark of EIC is interacting with each other.
Another important thing about EIC too, is that it's about secure innovation and secure innovation is more important now than ever because of the uncertain times that we are living in. So please do take part, do participate, connect with each other. The other thing is that I'm not only am I member of the Analyst team, but I'm also a member of the content team.
So I'm very much aware all the work that's gone into relocating here to Berlin to finding and organizing this marvelous venue and cracking the whip to make sure that it all happens and all happens at the right time on the right place is keeping a Cole head of events. The wonderful Jennifer, this is great, Jennifer. Well done. And so Jennifer's here to extend her own welcome. And to give you a few housekeeping notes so that you can get the most outta the conference.
Thank you so much, Warwick.
Well, welcome from my side as well. It's amazing to see so many people here again on site, but yeah, like work already mentioned. Thank you so much for all attendees virtually as well before we kick off today's content, I quickly go through some housekeeping information slides you might have. Yeah. Better said some of them tomorrow this morning already. For example, we have known next slide. Thank you. We have the free wifi. You maybe have already yeah. Find your way through it. Yeah. It's E 2022 and the password is hashtag EIC 2022.
And for all of you who want tweet about this great event, feel free to do so with the hashtag EIC 20, 22. And we would be more than happy if you would name, copy or call as part of the, your tweet for all of you who might not be able to join us here today, we have our event platform, which features like, yeah, of course you can attend all the sessions you can network while the chat and yeah.
The virtual coffee feature and stay informed about what is happening on site and yeah. All news out the app. And hopefully you get your way through it.
One of the, I think most important thing is our gamification. We have once again, the possibility to win free prices, which this year VI IP packages for EIC next year, we are again here at BCC in Berlin.
And yeah, we would like to welcome you as V I P so if you take part in the gamification, yeah, you can win first, second or third place, which include accommodation with include of course a ticket. And yeah, if you do the first flight, then first place, then an economy flight, or at least travel, how do you take part in the gamification? You need the app. And I know some of you have figured out mainly the Android user this morning that there might be some issues with the app.
I have good news for you. We figured it out.
The only thing you need to do is delete the app, download again from the app store and now it should work. So if you, if you figured out some, some problems, please, please do so. So that you can take part in our gamification and you can see up there and yeah, beneath your picture, you can see your ranking, see how people other people are doing to buy collecting points. And there's a big button on the start screen where you can really participate. And we have quizzes for you.
You have to go to our sponsors and yeah, they, they have questions for you and you have to choose the right answer of the question and to figure them out, our sponsors would be more than happy to talk with you about that. And yeah, one quiz is very special because EIC is turning 15 years this year.
So we have 15 great questions about EIC about fi past 15 years about EIC. So some might be easier. Some might be trickier, just ask people who yeah. Might know because they're long time visitors for EIC. And I hope you enjoy collecting points and taking part in the gamification.
And the winner will be announced on Friday and the closing keynote, but not only for gamification, our app is interesting. You can as well ask speakers questions. So if you want to do so may most important in this room, you just go to the sessions to the, in this case, the livestream for keynote session, click on, ask a speaker and they will directly go to the moderator in this case to work. And he will have done the questions for you ready.
And yes, then of course you can take part in life pulse. It's right.
Vene. If there might be some sessions where speaker have life pulse and ask you to interact and give your opinion away, that's right close to that session as well. Networking opportunities. This evening, we have our spray river roof, which was only available for preregistered people. So I hope all of you who are registered have now a golden band, if not, please, maybe go downstairs to the check in before this evening. And then you receive it.
And just a small reminder tomorrow, we have our award ceremony and afterwards a big party because we are celebrating 15 years and you are all welcome to join us for this party.
You might have recognized it's a new venue. So it might be a bit confusing. We hope you've figured out your way.
So far, maybe some highlights you have maybe already seen it downstairs is our Explorer channel. Yeah. We are producing the whole day content, which you can see tomorrow on different screens throughout the venue and on the app. So it's really live content. And upstairs here, we have our EIC cafe, which are in the corner for some nice networking and yeah. Drinking some coffee. We have two baristas, one upstairs up here with a, a printer. So you can print, have something on your coffee printed. It's very nice in our candy bar upstairs here.
And yeah, I think down on the main floor, I've already seen food responders and the entrance as well. I've already mentioned that our Explorer channel, if you find some time, take a look at it, you can find it via the platform or the app app.
And yeah, you can enjoy live content. It's a good mixture out of interviews of streamings out of broadcastings frontier talks, Analyst Chat.
So yeah, we'll start tomorrow at nine and I hope you enjoy for all you sporty persons. On first day, we have our yearly morning run and start early in the morning at seven in front of the BCC.
And yeah, our team is happy to be joined by you for five kilometer round and yeah, we will do sight seeing. Yeah. So if you have your running shoes with you feel free to join the team hygiene recommendations.
You know, we don't have strict rules here at the moment, but of course we recommend wear mask at all time and to try to keep the safety distance as yeah. Good as you can so that everybody feels comfortable here throughout the day.
Upcoming events. If you like EIC, you shouldn't miss CS Ellis next.
No, this year in November eight to 10, it's in Berlin as well. It's a different location and it's more so focused on cybersecurity. So take a look at our website and we hope to see you again there. And finally, we want to thank our platinum sponsors. Our gold sponsors, our Sivan innovation sponsors, our workshop sponsors and association sponsors. And of course our media parties.
And yeah, thank everybody very much for the time. Thank you very much. And I now hand over back to work.
Thanks very much, Jennifer. So as you've heard, we've got four very exciting days ahead of us. Lots of opportunities to interact, to become part of the EIC community. A lot of the focus is gonna be on enabling enterprises to be innovative and flexible, to respond to bus new business opportunities and to kick everything off with an opening note, opening keynote, along that scene, please welcome co a Cole co-founder principal Analyst. The one know me, Martin co I.