I'd like to now invite our next speaker onto the stage. Please join me in welcoming Rodger, who is the CEO of blocks move. It's great to see you. Welcome to E hello.
Thank you. That was so nervous that I lost my mic.
Yeah, thanks for the introduction and the Endover. And also that I can join on remote base because I'm right now in C and another event also related to public transportation and for sure. Digitization so perfect match.
And yeah, that's the topic of our session, our pulse session. So it's short, it's crispy 20 minutes, but I want to show you and invite you to look deeper into the really application of that technology. We learned a lot about DDS in the last session about that verified credentials and the parties, which are involved in that. And now we want to speak about the mobility area and we will create a kind of mobility roaming experience, how we want to do that for sure. We speak about decentralized technologies today.
This is also what we apply here in order to connect public and private sectors in a new way.
Amazing. We look forward to hearing your insights staged yours.
Cool. Thank you. Yeah. As you said already, I'm CEO of blocks move. What is our vision? That blocks move. First of all, reinventing mobility and how we want to do that. We connect all types of mobility, like scooter, bike, cars, train, whatever you, you name it in one, erm, Alliance. And the second step, therefore we call our parenter company power and mobility.
Cause we believe in future mobility is always linked and merged with energy. And the second part is therefore about uniting mobility or the electric vehicles with our renewable energy grid. Because here we have a new way of balancing wind solar panel energy and so on at the end, it's about, as I said, a balance and about a carbon-free mobility today, we want to focus on the mobility story, as I said earlier. And what's the problem in that market.
I guess every party, every person in the room knows the hazards on the left side now because we have a centralization, we have fragmentation in our it landscape and in the mobility landscape, we have tons of apps when it comes to mobility.
And if you travel to a new city or a new country, you need to download a new set of apps. You have to verify, I'm sure your driver's license, blah, blah, blah. And so on. It's time consuming, right? We all know that if we go to the right side and this is our focus because blacksmith is a B2B company.
Also, this scenario is not that happy and lucky right now because we see a big trend of consultation and aggregation. And with aggregation, you have always a problem now, especially if you are a small scooter company, for example, a transport operator, you have the problem. You need collaboration, aggregation because often you have volume issues. But if you aggregate, you have a loose, loose situation because you lose your customer touchpoint and you have to pay revenue for that.
Now, for example, Uber or free. Now they're taking up to 30 percentage of your revenue in some markets.
So it's really not a solution when we think in equal ecosystems now, and as I said, also for you as end user, because we see obligation.
Yes, but we have still many apps on our smartphone based on decentralized technology blocks, move on to sort of say, suggest new solution. Or we started already with partisan projects to realize that new approach, as I said, stop aggregation more about collaboration and the end experience, which you can explore on the street as end user is kind of roaming experience. And we know that mechanism already from data roaming.
Now, if you think smartphone, telecommunication partner, and a zoom cart, it's a very similar mechanism. What you can transfer to our mobility. You have your wallet at the end. Yeah. Which knows. And you heard in the presentation before how we can work with the EMBL identities and identify it.
So based on the wallet, we know who you are, which service package you have, which so to say, favorite provider you have, and you bring your favorite provider. If you travel now you're in Berlin maybe, and now you want to travel to LIS.
Then you can choose your Berlin train app and can open the Lisbon scooter. That's exactly what we realized with all locksmith technology was our ledger and what we are doing here, our sweet spot is the backend transaction infrastructure. And based on our infrastructure, as I said, you can choose your favorite local app. Now where you already registered, you are already user. You are used to that. And now you can open in this scenario here. And I example the blue car, I said the yellow scooter, whatever you want, that's exactly the roaming thing.
And it doesn't matter which entry point means which app you are choosing to enter in the ecosystem.
The mechanism for the providers is the kind of star Alliance, which you maybe know from the airline area. Now you have the same approach. You have one ticket, one company as your provider, but in the back end, you have maybe two or three airlines operating your flight from Frankfurt to New York, for example, and this very similar, what we do here based on the Steve ledger technology, what's the sweet spot from blocks move. I started already to speak about that for sure.
We also use the IDs, decentralized identities. We do verification identification that ecosystem, we do the smart contract stuff and use it for the ticket service.
And, and this is really the magic where blocks move is I would say has one of the core competencies is about consumption, consumption based settlement. Because if you think in that scenario, that more parties operate your a to B journey.
Yeah. Each and every party want to have something of that amount of money, which you paid for sure was your favorite provider.
Now, in our example, which I showed you before, it's for example, the Berlin trained operator, you pay here, maybe it was pay Paul, whatever was, say, local bank, whatever you want. And then back end, we take care of the consumption based settlement because in real time and really secured, we can realize that each and every party has the little amount of the entire journey.
This is, but we, where we believe why we need decentralized technology in where we see really sweet, sweet spot for the entire journey, we use public change for that. So it's not about an private ecosystem or something like that. We believe that open source and public is the best thing here, because then we can really think ecosystems in a new way, in a new design and for all the parties, which are on that, on that slide here. Yeah. So from public to private, because at the end each and every party has a fear of losing customer, losing customer touchpoint or data ownership.
And this is exactly what we can solve in that ecosystem. We have more communication and interaction on eye level and not that strong aggregation in the front, which rule the entire ecosystem. That's why we believe it's a big chance for new way of bringing public and private sector together.
And last but not least, you have seen that. I showed charging point operators on, on the slide before. It's one of the notes.
So to say, and that's the beauty in that entire ecosystem approach and, and more collaborative approach. It's not only limited to mobility because at the end, if I ask you, why do you use a train it's about the destination you want to achieve, right? And not because it's so nice to sit six hours in a train, for example. So we have to think destinations in that ecosystem or what I said earlier in our vision statement, think energy, renewable energy in that entire ecosystem. Because if we have electric electrified vehicles, we always need a kind of loading possibility with renewable energies.
So at the end, we couple and unite sectors. And in this, in our case, in blacksmith case herb mobility and energy.
So there's no limit when it comes to new ecosystem design, we believe we bring in new and very smart mechanisms in order to yeah. Really moderate these scenarios on a, on a eye level, so equal level and what you can see here, we have first parties. So we are really happy that we have more than 20 customers building that ecosystem was us. And for example, on the mobility mobility part, I spoke about that roaming scenario. How can that look?
Like if you see the partners here on, on the slide you have, for example, one big company, like they do bit more the inter city or intercountry connection. Yeah. So more the longer distance. And then you have someone like tier or may with a scooter or bike and they do last or first mile. And now roaming. Yeah. It's not necessary that you switch between apps or have one aggregation app in the front each and every party is equal, but you roam with your wallet with your favorite provider, maybe it's flex, plus maybe it's tier you roam for the entire journey.
And that's exactly what we make possible, but we make already tangible in first regions last week, for example, we kicked off the first project within, with a university and also a scooter company and public transport in an Eastern region in Germany called Jackson. And here we want to show with the students how they roam. So such an ecosystem based on a student mobility budget, and there's exactly which applications you can think based on our solution.
So, as I said earlier, we are the ledger. Now, the distributed ledger, the infrastructure, and based on our infrastructure, our parties, our B2B customer can build their different solutions, like a mobility budget, like a mobility pass for roaming or in future, maybe also the other re mile or charging or whatever solutions. So with saying that, I would say, I stop here because maybe you have questions or statements. And for sure, we want to have time and just time for that.
So, cuz of all I'm done with my short impulse and my story about locksmith and our vision.