Of hardware. Okay. We have 10 years of experience in cybersecurity. We have team of over 50 professionals and our three main area use of expertise is multifactor authentication, privilege, access management and BPI management.
So, and today I'd like to talk about the new mindset for privilege access. It's very well known that the implementation of cybersecurity solutions consider like expenses. And it's very difficult to consider like investment. And when we talking about this, we know that a lot of companies consider the cybersecurity implementations, like something that they have to do. And we face this issue a lot. And based on our experience, we create some conclusions to help to our customers build a new mindset on cybersecurity solutions and on project access management as well.
And we can, you can see that we have three main pillar of new mindset. It's accessibility, not control investment, not expense must have not luxury.
When we are talking about accessibility of P access manager management, we can see the three main point more admin friend instruments, more secure admin admin workplace, less bureaucracy in procedure. When we talking about admin friendly instruments, we have to say that the Pam administrators or it, administrators should have a very convenient tool to gain, to grant an access to users.
And the friendly, the user friendly is equally important for PE users because Pam users gain an access to the infrastructure of company several time per day. And if this process implement not correctly, it could be possible that Pam users accumulate negativity towards spam and try to gain and access another way, another way bypass the system. And this could dramatically decrease the cybersecurity of organization.
We also know that cyber Pam administrators gain and access every day, but more it administrators have to store the passwords and ssht of privilege accounts and be responsible for that with a Pam solution.
He no longer responsible for this be because Pam solutions does it, does this job, less bureaucracy and procedure. We all know that it, it department has a core of cybersecurity. And in this case, sometimes it, administrators has to do a lot of paperwork for grain and access to special, special access, to special resources for special accounts for special users and so on.
And with implementing the Penn solutions, this work could be, could be done automatically. And the it administrators security officers can spend their time more efficiently and spend their time for gain for, for reach their task and so on. And so on investment not expands in this pillar, we can say that we have three main point point more company, competitive minutes, more company, risk results, resilience, less problem with regulators, more company competitiveness.
When you store client's data, the client has to be sure that the data store in the right place, in the safe place and that if the client sure that the data store in the right and safe place, he want to try to find another vendor. And that's good news for you.
Even, you don't store this client's data. You have to store your data and you for the right place and safe place, because that breaches is not best PR company for your company as well. More company, risk resilience. Every company has to have to understand that the cybersecurity it's a ma it's, it's a, it's very important for company and they have to protect their data. They have to protect the access to this data. And the more they have to control the activity of privileged users, less problem with regulators.
So we know all this word, compliance, compliance for retail compliance for banks, compliance for financial structure, compliance for telecom and so on. And so on. The regulator require a lot of parameters to comply with. And the Pam solution can, the implementation of Pam solution can do it automatically and can do it by default. So we implementing Pam solution. We invest in company reputation
Must have not luxury.
It's well known fact that sometimes the payment implementation it's a long and complex process and difficult process.
But right now the implementation, it's not a difficult process. Based on our experience, we create created the five step guide, which is available on our virtual boost for download. And this guide will helps to our client to choose right vendor briefly, say, first step, choose your choose the right employees for Pam usage, choose the right resources for Pam protection. Choose the right vendor, choose the right license and policy, and be sure that technical support is on the higher, highest level. Each company right now has privileged users, C level financial department, guys.
It administrators, third party is subcontractors. All of them has to be needs some control when they use your infrastructure. And right now they implementation. It's a common practice for every comp for, for every company
And the good news. It's not expensive anymore. We have right now, we have a lot of vendor on cyber security on Pam, British access management market. We have a big name with well known name. They provide very good developed solution with many features, but all those features in the price.
And sometimes this price could be very high, but in the same way, we have a lot of vendors who provide, let's say classical model of project success management. And based on our experience, we can say that a lot of companies don't look for the complex solution. They won't have some kind of list of classic features of product success management. And the fact that is there is a lot of different vendors with a different solutions. Let us say, give to us possibility to say that we, you can find the right solutions, which is, will be affordable for you.
Sometimes the question, what Pam solution I have to implement, it's not very easy. And when we have the mindset that Pam implementation is not a problem, it's not something what we have to do, what we forced to do. And when we have the mindset that the Pam solutions is something that help make our company better and make our cybersecurity better. We have to start this process of implementation of project success management, and we have to choose the right solutions.
So I can say, you can start, like right now, you can read the K called leadership compass, which is a lot of information about different brand vendors, about the features of the solutions. And so on. You can choose the vendor. You can proceed with side by side solutions, built by to understand what exactly you need, what task, what cybersecurity task you have. And you can finally start with Pam implementation. It's not a very, it's not easy process, but if you will find, and if you will choose the right vendor, he will help you with this. And that is all what I want to say today.
Thank you for attention. If you have some questions, please, I'm happy to answer.