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Combining High Privacy, Security and Versatility, Tapping the [Q]eAA Potential for EUDI Wallet Payment Interactions

Combining High Privacy, Security and Versatility, Tapping the [Q]eAA Potential for EUDI Wallet Payment Interactions

Combined Session
Thursday, June 06, 2024 12:20—12:40
Location: A 03-04
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EUDI wallets will allow the storage and transfer to relying parties of Person Identification Data (PID) but also of electronically attested attributes (eAAs) that can play a critical role in securing digital interactions, both online and offline, especially when issued as qualified trust services (QEAAs).

The presentation will consider the potential of atomic [Q]eAAs within the context of payment transactions and discuss in particular the role they could play for the purpose of combining identity, status and payment attributes into seamless and secure EUDI wallet communications. Using standard PKI protocols, [Q]eAAs can greatly enhance the security of payment messages, combat payment fraud and support AML requirements but also comply with data minimisation requirements.

Beyond EUDI wallets, it should be of interest to anyone interested in digital wallets, electronic signature processes as well as digital finance use cases, including the digital euro and other CBDCs.

Michael Adams
Michael Adams is the founder of Quali-Sign Ltd, which has built a mobile wallet prototype for Qualified Electronic Signatures, e-ID, SCA and CBDC. Michael is a member of the Bank of England CBDC...
Stéphane Mouy
SGM Consulting
Stéphane MOUY is the founder and president of SGM Consulting, a digital transition consultancy focusing on digital identity, e-trust services and eKYC processes for the financial services...
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