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Michael Adams

Michael Adams

Michael Adams is the founder of Quali-Sign Ltd, which has built a mobile wallet prototype for Qualified Electronic Signatures, e-ID, SCA and CBDC. Michael is a member of the Bank of England CBDC technology forum and in 2023 was engaged in a 5 month project with the bank focussing on “Identity at the edge and offline CBDC”. Between January 2022 and June 2023 Michael was a member of a European Payment Council multi-stakeholder group focussing on the Interoperability of mobile-Initiated SEPA Credit Transfers based on NFC and BLE. Michael contributed towards P2P and C2B use cases involving the eIDAS 2.0 EUDI wallet being used to authorise payments. In 2022 Michael also consulted for the eIDAS i-Banking project and presented his prototype to the European Commission and ECB.

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