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Stéphane Mouy

Stéphane Mouy

SGM Consulting
Stéphane MOUY is the founder and president of SGM Consulting, a digital transition consultancy focusing on digital identity, e-trust services and eKYC processes for the financial services sector, with a significant involvement in EU regulatory matters. He was a member of the EU Commission eID/KYC expert group between 2018 and 2020 and authored in 2021 a report on KYC portability within the financial sector commissioned by DG FISMA. In 2021, he was also a member of the ETSI task force preparing technical specifications for remote identity-proofing processes for trust services (ETSI TS 119 461). He is a regular contributor to Revue Banque in France and a member of the eWallet Network gathering European experts digital identity and payment-enabling wallets. Stéphane’s background is legal and financial, with many years spent with the BNP Paribas group in various capacities and involving himself on cross-border electronic money schemes, data protection/GDPR compliance as well as on several remote onboarding initiatives for retail services.

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