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Building Trust in a World of Misinformation and Crisis: Navigating the Storm

Building Trust in a World of Misinformation and Crisis: Navigating the Storm

Tuesday, June 04, 2024 17:20—17:50
Location: C 01
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In a time rife with misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation, the "Navigating the Storm" keynote panel session addresses the urgent need to establish public trust. This panel explores strategies to discern and combat false information effectively, fostering a more informed and resilient society. Let´s jointly look at the roots and repercussions of information manipulation, and discuss innovative approaches to rebuild trust, ensuring communities are anchored in truth and transparency amidst the tempest of a crisis-shaken world.

Joni Brennan
Digital ID & Authentication Council of Canada
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Dr. Pablo Breuer
DISARM Foundation & Representative of OASIS DAD-CDM
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Hila Meller
Co-Founder | President
Leading Cyber Ladies | Fingerprints
A savvy public speaker and an advocate for diversity in tech. Co-founder of Leading Cyber Ladies, a global movement promoting diversity in Cyber Security. Recognized as a subject matter expert by...
Drs. Jacoba C. Sieders
Consultant, Strategic Digital Identity
Jacoba is a digital identity expert, eager to make digital life better and a lot more secure than it is today. Keynote speaker at international IAM congresses and teacher of masterclasses. ...
Nick Thorne
Retired UK Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva.
A career diplomat, Nick Thorne served as UK Ambassador to the United Nations, World Trade Organisation and the other International Organisations in Geneva from 2003 until 2008, when he retired from...
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