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Dr. Pablo Breuer

Dr. Pablo Breuer

DISARM Foundation & Representative of OASIS DAD-CDM
Dr. Pablo Breuer is an Executive at a publicly traded Fortune 50 company. A 22-year veteran of the Navy, Pablo’s tours included top-level positions at U.S. Special Operations Command Donovan Group, SOFWERX, the NSA, US Cyber Command and US Naval Forces Central Command. He is a DoD Cyber Cup and two-time Defcon Black Badge winner and has taught at the Naval Postgraduate School, National University, California State University Monterey Bay, and Carnegie Mellon CERT/SEI. Pablo is the co-founder of the Cognitive Security Collaborative and coauthor of the DISARM (Disinformation Analysis and Response Measures) framework, the methodology used by the US and EU governments and NATO to address Misinformation and Disinformation.

He is a sought-after speaker in the fields of cybersecurity, Mis- and Disinformation, and protecting critical assets from attack. Pablo sits on several Boards and has mentored countless students and professionals.

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