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SIDI Hub MeetUp

SIDI Hub MeetUp

Pre-conference Event
Tuesday, June 04, 2024 10:30—12:30
Location: B 07-08
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In this session we’ll discuss the global effort towards interoperability that has seen summits in Paris, Cape Town, and Berlín. We’ll review the champion use cases, minimum requirements for interoperability, aligning trust frameworks, and more.

Debora Comparin
Standardization Expert
Member, Secure Identity Alliance (SIA)
Debora Comparin is Standardization Expert at Thales Digital Identity & Security, founder and chair of the OSIA Initiative, co-founder of SIDI Hub and Advisory Board member of the Linux...
Elizabeth Garber
Director of Marketing
OpenID Foundation
Elizabeth Garber is co-founder and Chief Product Officer of IDPartner, a startup that puts people in control of their digital identities. Her background includes leading the Open Digital Trust...
Mark Haine
OpenID Foundation
Mark is an engineer and entrepreneur who has focussed his career on building solutions that enable business and mitigate risk in financial services. At the start of 2020 Mark founded...
Gail Hodges
Executive Director
OpenID Foundation
The OpenID Foundation is a non-profit global standards body that seeks to help people assert their identity wherever they choose by leading the global community in creating identity standards that...
Nick Mothershaw
Chief Identity Strategist
The Open Identity Exchange
Nick is Chief Identity Strategist at the Open Identity Exchange, a community for all those involved in the ID sector to connect and collaborate. Together we develop the guidance needed for...
Nick Thorne
Retired UK Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva.
A career diplomat, Nick Thorne served as UK Ambassador to the United Nations, World Trade Organisation and the other International Organisations in Geneva from 2003 until 2008, when he retired from...
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