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Defense against Mis/Disinformation Roundtable: Collaboration through Standards

Defense against Mis/Disinformation Roundtable: Collaboration through Standards

Pre-conference Event
Tuesday, June 04, 2024 10:30—12:30
Location: A 05-06
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Join us for a closely-held roundtable session focused on establishing open data standards for mis/disinformation defense and fostering collaborative strategies among diverse stakeholders. Facilitated by industry experts Dr. Pablo Breuer and Daniella Taveau, this interactive discussion will provide insights into the existing OASIS standards project DAD-CDM (Defending Against Disinformation-Common Data Model) and the open-source DISARM Framework, which serve as foundational tools for mis/disinformation defense.

By implementing open standards for mis/disinformation, we strengthen our global capabilities to identify, mitigate, and counter misinformation. During the session, we will explore the importance of shared strategies and data models, and discuss innovative approaches to address mis/disinformation challenges. Delegates are asked to actively participate in the discussion and contribute their insights and ideas to collectively improve public discourse integrity and resilience against mis/disinformation threats.

You have been selected to join the conversation and make a meaningful impact in combating misinformation.

Questions discussed during the roundtable include:

  1. Should misinformation and disinformation be addressed differently?
  2. What role do standards play in addressing mis/disinformation?
  3. What limitations are Western governments willing to set to balance privacy and freedom of speech against defense against disinformation?
  4. Where and in what venues is work in mis/disinformation occurring?
  5. What international norms should be set on the subject of disinformation?
  6. How should we share intelligence and information on disinformation?
Dr. Pablo Breuer
DISARM Foundation & Representative of OASIS DAD-CDM
Dr. Pablo Breuer is an Executive at a publicly traded Fortune 50 company. A 22-year veteran of the Navy, Pablo’s tours included top-level positions at U.S. Special Operations Command Donovan...
Daniella Taveau
Bold Text Strategies
Daniella Taveau is a recognized expert in business strategy, trade, and regulation and President of Bold Text Strategies.  Previously, she represented the United States at the World Trade...
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