We stand at the brink of an AI revolution, teeming with limitless prospects for an AI-enhanced prosperous future. These possibilities stir a mix of excitement and apprehension. The pivotal question is: how do we effectively harness AI's immense power? This query resonates with a diverse audience, ranging from Hollywood scriptwriters to European political figures. In this presentation, distinguished technologist Wenjing Chu will explore a Socio-Technical approach, which integrates social and technical system designs. His research points to a decentralized approach to optimize outcomes of AI development and adoption by bolstering human agency and leveraging both market dynamics and policy frameworks. Focusing on the decentralization of AI, Wenjing will also delve into the groundbreaking work that he is leading on the Trust Spanning Protocol (TSP) specification and the Authentic AI report. He will discuss their significant roles in redefining digital identity and wallets for the AI era.