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Digital Identity on Defense

Digital Identity on Defense

Combined Session
Friday, May 09, 2025 11:55—12:15
Location: B 07-08

The battlegrounds of modern conflicts have decisively entered the digital space. From cyberattacks on government databases to manipulating or erasing personal records, aggressors weaponize identity systems to destabilize nations and disenfranchise people and communities. Beginning with a foundational overview of international paradigms such as the EU’s eIDAS Regulation, the United Nations Legal Identity Agenda, and international development communities, this panel will examine international identity attacks, focusing on the ongoing war in Ukraine and parallels in conflicts such as Myanmar, Syria, and Sudan. The panel will expand the discussion beyond war zones to address how actors leverage identity systems of oppression and disenfranchisement. Through this broader context, the conversation will explore adversarial activity targeting identity systems during state-level conflict, providing valuable comparisons across diverse regions and crises. Experts from legal and technological fields will highlight the critical need for multidisciplinary cooperation to safeguard human rights, data integrity, and access to vital services.

Adam Cooper
ID Crowd
Adam is an identity standards expert, policy lead, and enterprise architect with over 30 years of experience in innovation and service transformation. Having played a leading role in the...
Sanjay Dharwadker
Digital Identity Expert
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Sanjay Dharwadker is the Senior Digital Identity Officer in the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) based in Copenhagen. He also works on global identity standards...
Elizabeth Garber
Director of Marketing
OpenID Foundation
Elizabeth Garber is co-founder and Chief Product Officer of IDPartner, a startup that puts people in control of their digital identities. Her background includes leading the Open Digital Trust...
Grace Klutke
Associate Director of Programs
The Global Pro Bono Bar Association & The OpenID Foundation
Grace Klutke is a United States lawyer passionate about exploring the intersection of technology and human rights. As a recipient of the Kim Cameron Award, Grace is devoted to exploring digital...
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