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Verifiable Credentials and the Challenges of Language

Verifiable Credentials and the Challenges of Language

Combined Session
Thursday, May 08, 2025 16:15—16:35
Location: A 05-06

Part of the value of a Verifiable Credential is that the information is verified and tamper proof. However, what happens when the language and characters used in the VC is not supported or recognised by a Verifier in another language or jurisdiction?

This presentation will explore the following challenges:

- What happens when the issuing language/s and naming conventions need to be translated into English or other European languages?

- How do we deal with the fact that many Trust Anchors [banks] only collect a name in a national language and don’t have provisions for a western/European translation and vice versa?

- How can we be sure it is the same person when using the Credential outside of the issuing nation?

- What work is already underway in standards or working groups towards a unified technical approach and solution.

Katryna Dow
CEO & Founder
Katryna Dow is the founder and CEO of Meeco; a personal data platform that enables people to securely exchange data via the API-of-Me with the people and organisations they trust ...
Rintaro Okamoto
Team Leader of Business Development for Digital Identity
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd (DNP)
Rintaro is the Head of Business Development for Decentralized Identity at DNP. He started new product development in 2019, while engaging in client consulting around digital transformation....
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