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OWASP NHI Top 10: Diving into OWASP's recent guide on Non-Human Identity Security

OWASP NHI Top 10: Diving into OWASP's recent guide on Non-Human Identity Security

Combined Session
Thursday, May 08, 2025 15:55—16:15
Location: B 09

Let’s demystify the buzz around Non-Human Identities: This session delves into the methodology behind the OWASP NHI (Non-Human Identity) Top 10, examines real-world breach scenarios, and provides actionable strategies to mitigate these risks. The OWASP Non-Human Identities (NHI) Top 10 project highlights critical risks such as secret leakage, overprivileged accounts, and insecure cloud configurations. Attendees will gain valuable, practical insights into effectively managing and securing non-human identities, aligning with industry best practices to protect modern infrastructures. Published in January 2025, this project represents six months of collaborative work by security veterans from leading companies, including Microsoft, Google, Tenable, and Snyk, under the OWASP Foundation.

Roni Lichtman
Project Lead
OWASP Foundation
Roni Lichtman is the Project Leader of the OWASP Non-Human Identities (NHI) Top 10 project, an initiative addressing the security challenges of non-human identities. With a background as a senior...
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