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How to Maximize the Opportunity of Electronic Attestations of Attributes

How to Maximize the Opportunity of Electronic Attestations of Attributes

Combined Session
Wednesday, May 07, 2025 15:55—16:15
Location: A 05-06

Due to the fact that Electronic Attestations of Attributes (EAA) are part of eIDAS 2, their use and uptake is guaranteed. That also means that the tools to issue and work with EAA will become widely available. EAA have a lot of promise to help to advance user friendly automation thanks to the trust framework that allows end-users to have confidence with relation to privacy and service providers to have confidence in the attributes provided.
However, this will not come by itself and the opportunities still need to be recognized and seized. In this presentation we will help to have opportunities recognized, which is a starting point for successful implementations.

Wim Mintiens
Managing Partner
Trust Agency
Wim has over 30 years of experience in providing trust services (PKI) and electronic signature services. He started his career as a project manager for government and defence projects at a Belgian...
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