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Death & The Digital Estate: One Year Later

Death & The Digital Estate: One Year Later

Combined Session
Wednesday, May 07, 2025 12:45—13:05
Location: B 07-08

In the summer of 2024, we introduced the topic of an individual's digital estate, and the lack of suitable frameworks, tools, and guidance for individuals to make active decisions regarding handing their credentials, data, services, and likeness after death or disablement. The Death & The Digital Estate Community Group (DADE CG) was chartered at the OpenID Foundation in September 2024 to address these gaps. Join the community group co-chairs for an update on DADE CG with insights from our work. The panel will discuss topics including: how users can manage their digital estate today; challenges and risks for individuals and businesses Insights into the current state of consumer services; legal and regulatory issues impacting digital estates; guidance for consumer organizations to improve their digital estate management tools; and next steps for DADE CG and how you can help.

Mike Kiser
Director, Strategy and Standards
Mike Kiser has held a panoply of industry positions over the past 20 years—from the Office of the CTO to Security Strategist to Security Analyst to Security Architect—that might imply...
Eve Maler
Digital identity futurist and strategist
Venn Factory
Eve is a globally recognized pioneer in identity and access management and standards, with roots in semi-structured data modeling and the API economy and a passion for fostering successful...
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