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Governing Non-Human Identities with Proven IGA Principles

Governing Non-Human Identities with Proven IGA Principles

Combined Session
Wednesday, May 07, 2025 11:00—11:20
Location: A 03-04

The rise of non-human identities (NHI) is undeniable - and their presence is growing at an astonishing rate. With estimates suggesting there are 25 to 50 times more non-human identities than human ones, it’s no surprise that NHIs and their management are now a focal point for identity professionals.

Have you thought about governing non-human identities? While most NHI approaches focus on credential management, API access, and security, there’s another crucial angle: the very essence of non-human identities themselves. This is where identity governance comes into play.

In this talk, we will explore how the proven principles of identity governance and administration (IGA) can be seamlessly applied to non-human identities and the benefits that come with it. You will learn how to leverage your existing IGA deployment and extend it to cover both human and non-human identities by using governance principles like ownership and responsibility for NHIs. By utilizing a modern IGA platform, you’ll create a unified foundation for managing both types of identities while reducing obstacles to the

Slávek Licehammer
Head of Engineering
Slávek Licehammer is the Head of Engineering at Evolveum, the creator of the leading open source identity governance and administration (IGA) platform, midPoint. With more than a decade of...
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