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Communicating Cyber Risk: Strategies for Policy and Decision Makers

Communicating Cyber Risk: Strategies for Policy and Decision Makers

Thursday, December 05, 2024 11:35—11:55
Location: Sirius

Explore effective strategies for presenting cyber risk to policy and decision makers, drawing from ongoing work related to NIS2 compliance. This presentation will provide insights into translating complex cybersecurity threats into actionable intelligence for non-technical stakeholders. Attendees will learn how to frame cyber risk in a way that resonates with decision makers, highlighting the importance of clear communication in driving informed policy and strategic decisions. Discover practical approaches to bridge the gap between technical cybersecurity details and the priorities of policy and executive leaders.

Bjarke Alling
Epical Group
Principal Advisor with the Nordic Digital Trust consulting company Epical. Prior chair and member of the National Danish Cybersecurity Council and prior chair of the IT Security Committee at The...
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