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Developing Cyber Resilience Strategies

Developing Cyber Resilience Strategies

Thursday, December 05, 2024 11:15—12:15
Location: Solar

Cyber Resilience Backup or Else – why you need data backup and how AI can help.

Cyber resilience has become a major issue as society has become more dependent upon a wide range of essential services that are now delivered digitally. This has been recognized by governments around the world that have introduced regulations such as NIS2 and DORA that require organizations to counter cyber threats. While good cyber hygiene is essential to protect your organization’s cyber infrastructure, you also need to plan for the worst. Data backup is essential to help to recover from cyber-attacks.
The prevalence of ransomware attacks where criminals demand payment to restore access to business-critical data has emphasized the need for data resilience. In addition, software defined infrastructure such as cloud services, depend upon data and can cannot be restored without that data. . Data resilience is the essential element underpinning today’s organizations that depend upon busine services delivered through a multi cloud, hybrid IT environment.
After attending this presentation, you will be able to:
• Describe the NIS2 and DORA obligations for backup and recovery.
• Explain why data backup is a critical component of your data resilience plan.
• Explain why Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are essential components of a backup and recovery solution.
• Describe the key capabilities that data resilience solutions should support.

Mike Small
Senior Analyst
Mike Small is the retired director of security management strategy of CA, where he was responsible for the technical strategy for CA's security management software product line within Europe,...
Focus on Cyber Resilience - Prepare, Respond, Resume
Focusing on practical steps to take to better prepare organisations for the impact of AI accelerating and increasing the number of significant cyber incidents.
Using NotPetya as the case study to highlight lessons learnt in getting an organisation back up and running.
Joshua Hunter
Information Security Forum
Joshua Hunter is the DACH Lead at the Information Security Forum (ISF), a not for profit Cyber and Information Security Association. The ISF is a global leader in information security and risk...
Enhancing Cyber Resilience: Integrating Identity Management, Multi-Cloud Strategies, and Advanced Threat Detection

In today's digital landscape, achieving cyber resilience requires a multifaceted approach. This session explores the integration of Identity Providers (IdPs), multi-cloud environments, and Extended Detection and Response (XDR) systems to prevent single points of failure. Drawing on practical examples and industry insights, we will examine how organisations can build resilient infrastructures that anticipate threats, ensure seamless incident response, and facilitate rapid recovery. Attendees will learn best practices and innovative strategies for maintaining robust cyber resilience in an interconnected world. Open issues and future work will also be addressed to provide a clear understanding of the ongoing challenges and potential solutions in the field.

Dr. Heiko Klarl
Dr. Heiko Klarl is a distinguished expert in Identity and Access Management (IAM) with over 18 years of experience. With a strong background in cybersecurity, Heiko excels in structuring complex...
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