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Hacking Gamification – Learning Hacker Techniques

Hacking Gamification – Learning Hacker Techniques

Tuesday, December 03, 2024 11:00—12:30
Location: Solar

Staying up to date and learning hacking techniques is one of the best ways to know how to defend your organization from cyber-attacks. Hacking gamification is on the rise to help keep security professionals up to date on the latest exploits and vulnerabilities. This workshop is about helping you get started with hacking gamification to strengthen your security team whether it is about understanding hacker techniques, pentesting or incident response.

Malicious attackers look for the cheapest, fastest, stealthiest way to achieve their goals. Endpoints provide many opportunities to gain entry to IT environments and access to sensitive information.

The ethical hacking community has created numerous tools and techniques to help organizations better secure their environments.  In this training you will learn how to use many the tools used such as Metasploit framework, nmap, burpsuite and netcat which are just a few of the tools you will learn to use.

In this workshop, you’ll learn strategies and resources ethical hackers use at each stage of a risk assessment.

Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be able to test your own organization’s defenses. Most importantly, you’ll also learn endpoint security strategies that block malicious attackers from reaching their goals.

This 3-hour workshop, Joseph Carson a security professional with more than 25 years’ experience will choose up to two systems and walk through each of them in detail explaining each step along with recommendations on how to reduce the risks. Going from initial enumeration, exploitation, abusing weak credentials to a full privileged compromise. 

Who should attend?

  • IT Security Professionals 
  • IT operations 
  • Incident Response Teams 
  • Beginner Pentesters 
  • Systems Administrators 
  • Infrastructure Management, 
  • Workstation Management 
  • Professionals looking to move into security roles

What you will learn

  • How to perform system and service enumeration on endpoints 
  • Discover vulnerabilities and modify exploit payloads to obtain initial access 
  • Perform Reverse Shells 
  • Basic Knowledge on how to use BurpSuite 
  • Create Payloads 
  • Privilege Escalation Techniques 
Joseph Carson
Chief Security Scientist & Advisory CISO
Joseph Carson is an award-winning cyber security professional and ethical hacker with more than 25 years’ experience in enterprise security specialising in blockchain, endpoint security,...
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