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Panel: Executive Directors Speak: Why We Need More Collaboration

Panel: Executive Directors Speak: Why We Need More Collaboration

Combined Session
Friday, June 07, 2024 14:30—15:30
Location: B 09
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The puzzle of identity. How do we solve it? Collaboration! This panel of Executive Directors from the major identity foundations will discuss how each of our foundations are solving key pieces of the puzzle to make the vision of trusted, secure, privacy-respecting identity a reality.

We all have a common vision! To obtain and share trusted identity credentials to prove who we are to instantly, securely and seamlessly access services, both online and face-to-face, anywhere around the globe. Sounds easy, right? It’s really not!

We are building on an internet that was never intended to form trust between parties.

We have to build the technical tools, the policy and gain regulatory agreement to make this a reality.

We have to make sure we deliver ecosystems that interoperate, respect user’s rights and privacy, and are secure and will scale.

It’s a complex puzzle that requires collaboration to solve.

This Panel session hs been brought together by Judith Fleenor, Executive Director of the Trust Over IP Foundation 

Kay Chopard
Executive Director
Kantara Initiative
Ms. Kay Chopard is the newly appointed Executive Director of the Kantara Initiative, a nonprofit corporation. The Kantara Initiative is a unique global ‘commons’ that operates...
Kim Hamilton Duffy
Executive Director
Decentralized Identity Foundation
Kim Hamilton Duffy is Executive Director of Decentralized Identity Foundation. She is passionate about creating innovative and human-centered solutions that unlock new opportunities for individuals...
Judith Fleenor
Executive Director
Trust Over IP Foundation
The mission of the Trust Over IP Foundation (ToIP) is to simplify and standardize how trust is established over a digital network or using digital tools. The ToIP collaborative community focuses on...
Joseph Heenan
Authlete Inc
Joseph is a software engineer & architect with over 25 years’ experience, who started writing mobile apps before mobile apps existed. He contributes to IETF and OpenID Foundation working...
Nick Mothershaw
Chief Identity Strategist
The Open Identity Exchange
Nick is Chief Identity Strategist at the Open Identity Exchange, a community for all those involved in the ID sector to connect and collaborate. Together we develop the guidance needed for...
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