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How to Build a Cyber Resilient Infrastructure

How to Build a Cyber Resilient Infrastructure

Combined Session
Thursday, June 06, 2024 11:45—12:00
Location: A 05-06
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Cybersecurity is the biggest challenge of our time. Organizations don't need to deal with the question if they might be affected, they have to face the challenge of how fast they are able to recover once hit by a cyber incident.

Data protection as the “last line of defense” is particularly important, but data protection begins well before backup and recovery and goes far beyond creating an incident response plan.

This presentation addresses approaches to how a modern cyber resilience platform secures your “last line of defense” and increases resilience across the entire life cycle of company data with the cornerstones of a resilient IT infrastructure like

  • Monitoring integrity and security
  • Early detection
  • Threat analysis
  • Cleanroom Recovery options
Wolfgang Sowarsch
Principal Sales Engineer
Commvault Systems GmbH
Wolfgang Sowarsch is a Principal Sales Engineer at Commvault. He works with customers of various shapes and sizes to build efficient and secure Data Management environments. As an IT veteran with...
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