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Securing the Digital Frontier

Securing the Digital Frontier

Combined Session
Thursday, June 06, 2024 11:00—12:00
Location: A 05-06
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Multi Region - Multi Hyperscaler: The Crucial Role of Identity Providers in Modern IT Architecture and How to Ensure Their Availability

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In a modern Zero Trust based IT architecture, the IDP is one of the most central components and therefore one of the most critical ones.

As all the requests within the network need to be authenticated, its robustness directly correlates with the overall integrity and continuity of digital and therefore-business operations.

Not only the availability but also low latency is key in global distributed ecosystems.

As experience has shown, one hyperscaler can’t guarantee this high demand in availability on its own.

To fulfill all these needs from businesses, applications and corporate we – together with our partners – came up with an multi region - multi hyperscaler architecture.

This talk will provide insight into the design, benefits, and drawbacks as well as the journey we have taken to reach this goal.

Dr. Heiko Klarl
Chief Marketing and Sales Officer
iC Consult
Dr. Heiko Klarl has been in Identity and Access Management for more than fifteen years. He is driven by the motivation to bridge the gap between business and IT in order to create holistic...
Gerald Maier
IAM architect
Gerald Maier has been responsible for enterprise IAM solutions at BMW for more than 10 years. As IAM architect he is focusing on creating large scale, secure, standardized, highly automated and...
Stephanus Rieger
Product Owner
Stephanus Rieger is an accomplished Product Owner at BMW AG, responsible for Identity and Access Management (IAM) products and services. With over a decade of experience in the field of...
Beyond the Surface: The Dark Side of Digital Identity

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In the digital age, identity has transcended personal identification, evolving into a complex digital footprint that is as unique as it is vulnerable. This session focuses on the multifaceted and often hidden threats that lurk within digital identity to unravel the digital threats that individuals and organizations face in today's interconnected world.

We will explore the mechanics and implications of various threat vectors, including the insidious rise of bot attacks, the complexities of fraud, the nuances of credential stuffing, the emerging menace of synthetic identity fraud, and the impact of Generative AI to provide an understanding of how these threats operate and interconnect. 

Our journey will take us through real-world scenarios and case studies to illustrate the technical aspects of these threats and their real-time impact on businesses and individuals, and to extract key lessons and insights. We will also look at proactive strategies and innovative solutions to combat these threats and safeguard digital identities. 

Targeted at professionals, enthusiasts, and anyone vested in the digital identity ecosystem, this session promises to be an eye-opener, challenging conventional perceptions and encouraging a deeper understanding of what lies beneath the surface of digital identity. 

Join us as we explore the dark side of digital identity, where unseen threats pose unseen challenges. 

Ashish Jain
Chief Product Officer
Arkose Labs
is a product leader with 25+ years of experience, strong engineering background, and deep expertise in identity, security, and consumer fraud. He is the Chief Technology Officer at Arkose Labs...
How to Build a Cyber Resilient Infrastructure

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Cybersecurity is the biggest challenge of our time. Organizations don't need to deal with the question if they might be affected, they have to face the challenge of how fast they are able to recover once hit by a cyber incident.

Data protection as the “last line of defense” is particularly important, but data protection begins well before backup and recovery and goes far beyond creating an incident response plan.

This presentation addresses approaches to how a modern cyber resilience platform secures your “last line of defense” and increases resilience across the entire life cycle of company data with the cornerstones of a resilient IT infrastructure like

  • Monitoring integrity and security
  • Early detection
  • Threat analysis
  • Cleanroom Recovery options
Wolfgang Sowarsch
Principal Sales Engineer
Commvault Systems GmbH
Wolfgang Sowarsch is a Principal Sales Engineer at Commvault. He works with customers of various shapes and sizes to build efficient and secure Data Management environments. As an IT veteran with...
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