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Embracing Diverse Specifications – Abstracting for a Plurality of Markets With Multi Stack Solutions

Embracing Diverse Specifications – Abstracting for a Plurality of Markets With Multi Stack Solutions

Combined Session
Friday, June 07, 2024 12:10—12:30
Location: A 03-04
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Providing a product or service across markets internationally can come with significant technical and regulatory overhead. The challenge of such overhead might seem to reduce itself in the current market development in Europe with the soon to be standardized eIDAS architecture and unified wallet interaction protocols that seem to streamline identity integration requirements across 27 countries. In practice though, moving beyond the EU context will still require significant adaptation and often parallel implementation of identity standards and protocols, this is true for the Swiss market as much as it is true for the US or even Japanese market. While all these markets move towards the digital identity wallet paradigm as a new identity model, their technical approach differs significantly.

Abstracting this complexity for companies that simply want to provide their product or service across markets is a tough challenge. Solution providers need to consistently monitor changing specifications, requirements, and regulation, while making sure that their own technological platform is ready to support the variety at hand. Many incumbent solutions and platforms do not handle such diversity well since they were developed for a concrete market environment and then updated on a sub optimal path of evolution towards ever more complexity.

As a Swiss provider of digital identity core technologies, Procivis had to naturally tackle the challenge of a future proof technology solution that is capable of handling complexity since day one. Our home market is too small to justify a solution built for only that environment, so we had to get creative and build a product that can naturally handle complexity and interoperability without compromise.

This presentation will tell the story of our journey to rethink product development in times of uncertainty. It will describe how we learned to radically build for adaptability and extensibility. After the initial instinct to resist uncertainty, we learned to embrace it and I will talk about our company's journey to this new state of consciousness.  

Kai Wagner
Head of Products & Partners
Procivis AG
Kai Wagner is Head of Products & Partners at Procivis in Zürich Switzerland. He has been actively involved in the international Decentralized Identity and Self-Sovereign Identity ecosystem...
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