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Beyond Compliance: Enriching Data Governance with Identity Insights

Beyond Compliance: Enriching Data Governance with Identity Insights

Combined Session
Friday, June 07, 2024 12:10—12:30
Location: B 07-08
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One of Identity’s core purposes is to secure access to resources. Since the inception of Identity Governance programs, organizations we have taken an “inside out” approach to secure access and have not focused as much on the resource model. While this approach has produced positive results, it has come at the cost of efficiency, speed and accuracy. We explore the different contributions that identity governance can make to data governance and how combining data and identity governance programs can produce more accurate results, better models and a more secure infrastructure.

Thierry Meritan
Professional Services Manager
Thierry Meritan is a passionate IT professional dedicated to leveraging technology to benefit both businesses and individuals. He began his career in the field of Information Systems, starting as a...
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