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AI and the new dynamics of conflict: Reshaping resolution and escalation

AI and the new dynamics of conflict: Reshaping resolution and escalation

Combined Session
Friday, June 07, 2024 12:00—12:30
Location: B 05

Interview style chat between Yvonne Hofstetter and Scott David focused on current and future impacts of AI in the context of the variety of forms of human conflict. 

Dr. Scott David, LL.M.
Executive Director - Information Risk and Synthetic Intelligence Research Initiative
University of Washington - APL
Scott David, J.D., LL.M., is the Executive Director - Information Risk and Synthetic Intelligence Research Initiative (IRSIRI) at the University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory and was...
Yvonne Hofstetter
CEO and Managing Director
Yvonne Hofstetter, 1966, lawyer and essayist, started her IT career in 1999 for a US software provider and with Distributed Artificial Intelligence. In 2020, she co-founded 21strategies and has...
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