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Zero Data Enabled Zero Trust

Zero Data Enabled Zero Trust

Combined Session
Friday, June 07, 2024 10:50—11:10
Location: B 07-08
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Zero data is the idea that organizations can store much less data than they used to - sometimes zero data- because of the advent of just-in-time identity streaming technologies like verifiable credentials. Verifiable credentials, combined with ubiquitous fine-grained access control can provide significant benefits to organizations using zero trust principals to secure their applications and internal workloads.

This talk will discuss how just-in-time data that is easily verifiable can streamline workflows while reducing the burden of data management and increasing security. 

Dr. Phil Windley
Senior Software Development Manager
Amazon Web Services
Phil Windley is a Senior Software Development Manager at AWS Identity. He is also the co-founder and organizer of the Internet Identity Workshop. He was previously an Enterprise Architect and...
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