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Resolving the Conflicts between Ethics and Human-Centered Design

Resolving the Conflicts between Ethics and Human-Centered Design

Combined Session
Friday, June 07, 2024 10:50—11:10
Location: B 05
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In order for digital identity initiatives to be successful and sustainable, they have to place people and their societal values at the center of their architecture. This means following the principles of human-centered design, inclusion, privacy-by-design, and ethics while building easy-to-use systems that seamlessly enable access to services while combating fraud and theft. But what happens when these principles end up in conflict with each other? How do we, as identity practitioners, navigate the challenge of building for the world that people actually live in, not the one we wished they lived in - and the dilemmas that creates for us? In this talk, the presenter will lay out some of the trends and drivers he is seeing in global projects that surface these quandaries for which no blueprint currently exists. He will also describe some of the design debates that take place as a result between stakeholders, and detail possible approaches to tackle these issues when they inevitably land on your desk.

Nishant Kaushik
Nishant Kaushik is the CTO of Uniken, the first security platform that tightly integrates identity, authentication and channel security. He brings over 15 years of experience in the identity...
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