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Panel: Why Authorization Standardization is Imperative

Panel: Why Authorization Standardization is Imperative

Combined Session
Thursday, June 06, 2024 18:10—18:30
Location: B 07-08
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Join this discussion about the efforts of the AuthZEN working group in the Open ID Foundation, which will include an overview of the authorization space, and the various technologies and players involved. The panel will also discuss why the group exists, the problems that it is trying to solve, and the state of the current work.

As Authorization appears to be the next horizon for standardization efforts, and the multiple technologies, often incompatible with each other, the need for standardization becomes more and more crucial. Come and hear how XACML, Cedar, Graph, IDQL, and more.

Alexandre Babeanu
Alex has been involved in Graphs and Graph databases for Identity and Access Management for almost 10 years. As a graph-certified and IAM-accredited consultant, he has implemented solutions for...
David Brossard
Chief Technology Officer
Axiomatics AB
In his role as CTO, David drives the technology vision and strategy for Axiomatics based on both identity and access management (IAM) market trends as well as customer feedback. He also leads the...
Allan Foster
Chief Evangelist
Identity Evangelist
Allan Foster has helped build ForgeRock into a multinational identity software vendor with offices on four continents. Allan’s deep technical knowledge has been well used in all aspects of...
Adam Rusbridge
Senior Product Manager
Ping Identity
Adam Rusbridge is Senior Product Manager for Ping’s Authorisation products, with 20 years of experience leading the development and growth of products that govern secure access to resources....
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