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Graph-Based Harmony: Simplifying Zero Trust Authorization in the Age of Data Breaches

Graph-Based Harmony: Simplifying Zero Trust Authorization in the Age of Data Breaches

Combined Session
Thursday, June 06, 2024 17:30—17:50
Location: B 07-08
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In the face of escalating data breaches and relentless attacks on identity, the imperative to establish robust Zero Trust (ZT) architectures has never been more urgent. Yet, the complexity of this undertaking, coupled with the multitude of tools and stacks involved, can be overwhelming.

This session will examine the Zero-Trust reference architecture outlined by NIST, revealing that authorization sits at its very core. Building on this foundation, we'll showcase how harnessing the organizational power of graphs can effectively streamline the complexity of ZT initiatives.

While graphs are renowned for their effectivness in threat and fraud detection, their mostly untapped potential in Identity and Authorization remains a hidden gem. Beyond real-time applications, we'll explore how the analytical might of graphs, a cornerstone for various AI techniques, can revolutionize Identity practices.

Alexandre Babeanu
Alex has been involved in Graphs and Graph databases for Identity and Access Management for almost 10 years. As a graph-certified and IAM-accredited consultant, he has implemented solutions for...
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