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AI's Shadow Realm: Navigating the Ethical Abyss

AI's Shadow Realm: Navigating the Ethical Abyss

Combined Session
Thursday, June 06, 2024 17:30—17:50
Location: B 05
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Let´s have a look at the complex and often overlooked underbelly of Artificial Intelligence (AI), exploring the multifaceted ethical, social, and technical challenges that emerge as AI systems become increasingly integral to our daily lives. We will examine real-world scenarios where AI's unintended consequences have sparked significant debates on privacy invasion and the amplification of biases, underscoring the urgent need for a paradigm shift in how these technologies are developed, deployed, and governed.

Imagine the near future of online deceit and manipulation, marked by phenomena such as artificial intimacy, challenged cognitive liberty, and advanced data brokerage.

This presentation aims to foster a more informed discourse on AI, advocating for a future where technology aligns with societal values and contributes to the betterment of humanity rather than exacerbating existing inequalities. Join us as we navigate the murky waters of AI's darker side, emphasizing the importance of responsible innovation and the collaborative effort required to steer the digital future towards ethical horizons.

Emilie van der Lande
Cyber Risk Consultant
Emilie combines expertise in Digital Identity, Data Privacy, and Cyber Strategy, offering a multifaceted perspective at the crossroads of technology, law, and business. Emilie is equipped with a...
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